Spore outgrowth (A) and PG synthesis (B) in strains lacking HMW PBPs. The spores were heat shocked and inoculated into 2× YT medium with 4 mM l-alanine containing [3H]N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, as described in Materials and Methods. The cells were harvested, and TCA-insoluble radioactivity was measured as described in Materials and Methods. The percentage of total radioactivity in the sample that was TCA insoluble was divided by the initial OD600 to give the units in Fig. 1B. The kinetics of spore outgrowth shown are from the same experiment in which PG synthesis was monitored. □, PS832 (wild type); ○, PS2465 (pbpA); ◊, PS2466 (pbpA ponA); ▵, PS2468 (pbpA pbpD).