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. 2023 Apr;49:None. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2023.101740

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

HCPs' ratings of various FI-related issues on 0–100 sliding scales.

Note: Distributions of HCPs' ratings of FI-related issues on a 0–100 sliding scale ranging from 0 (none/not at all) to 100 (a lot/extremely). Box plots and rain cloud diagrams visualise the jittered raw data, probability density and summary statistics (medians and interquartile ranges; means and 95 % confidence intervals [error bars in red]) of ratings for each survey item. Dependent variables: (Q1) HCP-perceived patient proportion impacted by FI in the past 12 months in %; (Q2) Perceived likelihood of FI becoming an increasing issue over the next 12 months; (Q3) HCPs' reported existing knowledge on FI and EDs; (Q9) HCPs' reported confidence in skills to discuss FI with their patients; (Q7) Belief that FI should be routinely screened for in ED services; (Q5) Perceived helpfulness of formal training; (Q11) Perceived value of practical guidance.