Fig. 5.
NK cell promotes liver metastasis of 4-1BBL-expressing uveal melanoma A Schematic illustration of xenograft experimental setup using NSG mice and image of representative mCherry + OCM-1 xenograft tumors harvested from either NSG infused with NK cells or control naïve NSG mice. B Growth of WT and 41BBL-KO OCM-1 tumors in NK cell-infused or naïve mice over a period of 28 days. Two-way ANOVA was used to test for significance (n = 7). C and D Representative histograms and Flow cytometry analysis for frequencies of ZEB1 + (C) and Ki67 + (D) OCM-1 cells harvested from WT and 41BBL-KO tumors in naïve and NK cell-infused mice. One-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons was used to test for significance. E Immunohistochemistry of mouse liver sections containing UM micro-metastases expressing human NuMA and HMB45. F Representative flow cytometry plots of mCherry + OCM-1 cells detected in cell suspensions of livers from tumor bearing mice with or without NK cell infusion. G Frequencies of mCherry + tumor cells in the liver normalized to primary tumor volume in mice with or without NK cell infusion. One-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons was used to test for significance