Fig. 4.
Pairwise comparison of the cellular immunophenotypes in HIV+/PWID−, HIV−/PWID+, and HIV+/PWID+. Percentage of lineage parent population was calculated for each of 37 immune cell types and compared between HIV−/PWID− (controls; CON), HIV+/PWID− (HIV), HIV−/PWID+ (IDU), and HIV+/PWID+ (DP) A) post-adjusting for age, homeless in the past year or now, male identity, married, employed, and some college experience (ANCOVA). B) The adjusted data were also subjected to 2-way ANOVA to identify HIV infection, injection drug use, and interaction effects. The estimate difference (adjusted mean difference) (A) and coefficient estimates (effect size) (B) are shown when significant (P < 0.05). EM, effector memory; TE, terminal effector.