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. 2023 Dec 15;12(5):98–111.

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies

Author Sample size Age (years) Gender (M:F) Design Scar type Intervention Arm (n) Control Arm (n) Dose frequency Outcome type Follow up (months)
Zahorec et al (2020) Slovakia 8 9 to 42 n/a NCT Post burn scars ADSCs (8) None Varied VSS 6
Eitta et al (2019) Egypt 10 33.20 (±6.51) 1:9 NCT Post acne scars SVF (5) FxCR (5) Single Scar area percentage, Patient self-assessment and satisfaction 3
L’Orphelin et al (2020) France 43 n/a n/a Retrospective study Acquired or congenital scars Fat graft (55) n/a Single Patient and surgeon satisfaction 6
Elkahky et al (2016) Egypt 20 20-45 7:13 RCT Post acne scars SVF (10) PRP (10) Single Surface area of scars 3
Lee et al (2018) Korea 17 37 (14-74) 12:5 Retrospective Study-study 1 Diverse distribution SVF (17) n/a Single OSAS, VSS, VAS 6
15 34 (14-65) 12:3 Retrospective Cohort Study 2 Face SVF (7) Control (8) OSAS, VSS, VAS
Bhoosan et al (2019) India 34 32.2 (±12) 22:12 Prospective study Post traumatic scars Nano-fat graft (34) None Single POSAS 3
Rao et al (2020) India 60 30.8 (±9.8) 4:32 Prospective study Facial scars Nano-fat graft (30) Non nano-fat (unclear) (30) Single dose in 83.3% VAS 12
Svolacchia et al (2015) Italy 3 28-36 1:02 Case series Hypertrophic scar or keloids Nano fat graft (micro fat graft) (3) None Single VSS 24
Pallua et al (2014) Germany 26 22-64 10:16 Prospective study Facial scars Fat graft (26) None Single POSAS 1
Klinger et al (2013) Italy 20 38.3 (±12.4) Not clear Prospective study Post traumatic scars Fat graft (20) Placebo (Normal saline) (20) Single POSAS 3
Kim et al (2011) Korea 31 39.5 14:17 NCT Depressed scars ADSCs (31) None Single Scar volume 3
Zhou et al (2016) China 22 36.4 10:12 NCT Post acne ADSC + FxCR (22) FxCR (22) Single Subjective satisfaction Scale 3
Gentile et al (2014) Italy 20 21-69 na NCT Post burn and post traumatic SVF enriched fat graft (10) Fat graft with PRP (10) Single Process description 12
Jaspers et al (2015) Netherlands 40 45 (±15.3) 9:31 Prospective study Post surgical and post skin graft Fat graft (40) None Single POSAS 3
Tenna et al (2017) Italy 30 18-52 n/a RCT Acne scars Nanofat + PRP + FxCR (15) Nanofat + PRP (15) Single Ultrasound scar thickness, satisfaction 6
Jan et al (2018) Pakistan 48 22.25 (±5.79) 20:28 Prospective study Post burn facial scars Nanofat graft (48) None Single POSAS 6
Kim et al (2019) Korea 1 21 Male Case report Hypertrophic scars SVF + FxCR (1) na Single SVF and FxCR Photography 12
Carstens et al (2017) Nicaragua 5 18-37 2:3 Case series Post burn fibrosis SVF (5) None Single VSS 6
Amir Bajouri et al (2018) Iran 20 na na RCT Post burn scars SVF (20) Normal saline (20) Single VSS 4
Kwon et al (2023) 20 19-65 Revision scars SVF Normal saline POSAS 6

Abbreviations: NCT = non-randomized clinical trial, RCT = Randomized clinical trial, SVF = Stromal vascular fraction, FxCR = Fractionated cryotherapy, VSS = Vancouver scar scale, POSAS = Patients and Observers Scar Assessment Score, ADSC = Adipose derived stem cells, PRP = Platelet rich plasma, HTS = Hypertrophic scar, Msc = Mesenchymal stem cells.