Recellularization of acellular lung scaffolds with AT2 and BMC. Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining and immunofluorescence (IF) staining of lung scaffolds repopulated with AT2, BMC or AT2 co-delivered with BMC (a–f). Histology images depicting retention of (a) cuboidal AT2 cells (Group A), (c) spindle-like shaped BMC, (b) mixture or AT2 and BMC, after 1 day of culture. Histology images showing AT2 cells with (d) mixed cuboidal and spindle shaped (arrowhead) morphology (Group A), (f) retained spindle-like shaped BMC, (e) mixture or AT2 and BMC with both spindle and cuboidal morphology, after 4 days of culture. Scale bar = 200 μm in all images. (g) Representative IF stained image for coculture sample (Group AM, Day 1) showing SPC-positive cells and CD90-positive cells, were present within the extracellular matrix (stained with Collagen 4). Scale bar = 50 μm.