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. 2023 Jun 28;112(1):185–199. doi: 10.1007/s10266-023-00831-y

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Representative images of Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining. (Fig. 4i–iii): Samples from the Control group (Control) show epithelial cells arranged in close contact and organized into stratified layers. The interdental gingiva between the first and second molars is well defined, composed of squamous epithelium, and supported by an intact basement membrane; the underlying connective tissue is composed of parallel collagen fibers, small fibroblasts, and vessels of small diameter; a thick ridge of bone tissue, representative of the alveolar bone, can be observed. (Fig. 4iv, v): The microphotographs of the Omega-3 group (O3) revealed similar characteristics to the Control group; at the epithelial-connective tissue interface, cells are cuboidal in morphology, with their nuclei located near the basal membrane and facing the underlying connective tissue, composed of dense, well-organized collagen fibers, small fibroblasts, and blood vessels of small diameter. (Fig. 4vii–ix): Tissue samples from the periodontitis (P) group and adjacent to the localization of the ligature (*) exhibited a stratified epithelium and shedding of the superficial layers. (Fig. 4viii): Edematous changes can be observed in all epithelial layers. The underlying connective tissue in the P group demonstrated edema and enlarged blood vessels filled with erythrocytes and inflammatory cells. The alveolar bone is observed as a thin ridge. (Fig. 4ix): Adjacent to the alveolar-bone lining, there are large, osteoclast-like multinucleated cells. (Fig. 4x, xi): The periodontitis + Omega3 (P + O3) group revealed inflammation near the ligature area (*); however, the alveolar bone is thicker than observed in the P group. The inflammatory infiltrates in the P, and P + O3 groups were composed of a mixed population of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages. Interestingly, plasma cells were dominant in many cases, while collagen fibers and fibroblast were scarce. (B) Bone, (T) Tooth, (E) Epithelium. Scale bar 5 × (200 µm), 10 × (100 µm), and 40 × (20 µm)