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. 2024 Jan 10;9:15. doi: 10.1038/s41392-023-01693-0

Table 1.

Characterization of the intratumoural microbiota in various cancers

Cancer types Microbiome compositions Quantitative dynamics Function
Lung cancer Genus Modestobacter36 Increase

Genus Propionibacterium,

genus Enterobacteriaceae36

Genus Blastomyces11 Increase

Class Agaricomycetes,

genus Aspergillus12

Genus Acidovorax37 Increase Related to tumours with high TP53 mutation;

Genus Klebsiella,

genus Anaerococcus37


Genus Acinetobacter,

genus Brevundimonas,

genus Propionibacterium38

Phylum Cyanobacteria39 Increase

Genus Veillonella,

genus Megasphaera40

Increase As the diagnostic biomarker of tumour;

Family Coriobacteriaceae,

genus Pasteurella201

Related to the number of CD8 + T cells and M2 macrophages;
Species Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae188 Increase Released IL-17C and recruited the neutrophils;
Liver cancer Hepatitis B virus43,130,179,203 Increase

Integrated viral genome into the host chromosome;

induced m6A modification of RNA

Recruited Treg cells;

Hepatitis C virus43,204 Increase Recruited Treg cells;
Species Helicobacter pylori4850 Increase
Order Gammaproteobacteria53 Increase

Family Streptococcaceae,

genus Lactococcus53

Increase As the hallmark groups of cirrhosis hepatocellular carcinoma;
Family Enterobacteriaceae54 Increase

Family Caulobacteraceae,

family Rickettsiaceae54

Species Paraburkholderia fungorum55 Decrease Related to antitumor activity;
Colorectal cancer Species Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis56,140,186 Increase

Secreted carcinogenic toxins;

initiated pro-inflammatory signalling cascade;

Genus Fusobacterium5759,182 Increase Promoted the polarization of M2-like macrophages;

Genus Lactococcus,

genus Bacteroides,

genus Prevotella,

genus Streptococcus59


Genus Pseudomonas,

genus Escherichia-Shigella59

Species Fusobacterium nucleatum60,141,166168,174,190,199,210,211,242,248 Increase

Related to advanced-stage tumour;

induced histone modification;

upregulated DNA methyltransferases;

inhibited autophagic process;

activated β-catenin signalling;

aggregated tumour-infiltrating myeloid cells;

activated TIGIT and CEACAM1 receptors expressed on immune cells;

induced EMT;

upregulated ICAM1 and promoted the adhesion of cancer cells to endothelial cells;

Genus Bifidobacterium,

genus Romboutsia62

Increase Related to left-sided colon cancers;

Genus Haemophilus,

genus Veillonella62

Increase Related to right-sided colon cancers;

Phylum Ascomycota

Class Malasseziomycetes65


Class Saccharomycetes,

class Pneumocystidomycetes65

Species Escherichia coli140,249 Increase

Secreted carcinogenic toxins;

related to metastasis;

Species Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli144 Increase Disrupted mechanisms of DNA mismatch repair;
Species Hungatella hathewayi168 Upregulated DNA methyltransferases;
Genus Akkermansia194 Increased IL-17 production and B cell infiltration;
Genus Candida11 Increase Involved in the downregulation of genes mediating cellular adhesion;
Gastric cancer Species Helicobacter pylori68,69,76,145,161,162,212214 Increase

Related to early-stage of tumours;

disrupted DNA mismatch repair mechanisms;

inducted abnormal DNA methylation;

activated CEACAM1 on immune cells;

upregulated PD-L1 expression;

Genus Prevotella,

genus Streptococcus,

genus Veillonella,

genus Haemophilus

genus Neisseria73

Genus Helicobacter73,227 Decrease Metabolic regulation;
Genus Lactobacillus74,227 Increase

Related to tumour progression;

metabolic regulation;

Phylum Nitrospirae,

family Lachnospiraceae,

genus Escherichia-Shigella,

species Burkholderia fungorum74

Increase Related to tumour progression;

Genus Oceanobacter,

genus Methylobacterium,

genus Syntrophomonas75


Species Propionibacterium acnes,

species Prevotella copri76

Increase Related to early-stage of tumours;

Phylum TM7,

genus Porphyromonas,

genus Neisseria

species Streptococcus sinensis77

Decrease Related to benign gastric disease;

Family Lachnospiraceae,

species Lactobacillus coleohominis77

Increase Related to malignant gastric disease;
Epstein-Barr virus7072 Increase Related to DNA hypermethylation;

Order Clostridium,

family Comamonadaceae,

genus Moryella,

genus Vibro,

genus Paludibacter,

genus Agrobacterium30

Increase Monitor the risk of gastric cancer development;

Species Kytococcus sedentarius,

species Actinomyces oris163

Increase Inducted abnormal DNA methylation;
Breast cancer

Genus Pseudomonas,

genus Proteus81

Species Methylobacterium radiotolerans82,83 Increase
Species Sphingomonas yanoikuyae82 Decrease
Genus Methylobacterium84 Decrease
Genus Cladosporium12 Increase
Genus Lactobacillus85,225 Increase

Metabolic regulation;

enhanced the resistance of tumour cells to flow shear stress;

Genus Streptococcus,

genus Staphylococcus85

Increase Enhanced the resistance of tumour cells to flow shear stress;
Family Streptococcaceae88 Increase
Genus Bosea88 Increase Related to tumour progression;

Species Escherichia coli,

species Staphylococcus epidermis143

Increase Caused double-stranded DNA breaks;

Genus Fusobacterium,

genus Atopobium,

genus Hydrogenophaga,

genus Gluconacetobacter225

Increase Metabolic regulation;
Species Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis246 Increase Enhanced stemness potential and metastatic progression;
Species Fusobacterium nucleatum33,252 Increase Related to metastasis;
Pancreatic cancer Phylum Proteobacteria91 Increase
Species Helicobacter pylori92,93 Increase Related to activation of molecular pathways for tumour growth and progression;
Genus Pseudomonas91,94 Increase Related to carcinogenesis;
Genus Elizabethkingia91 Increase

Genus Acinetobacter,

genus Sphingopyxis94

Increase Related to carcinogenesis;
Genus Malassezia95 Increase
Oral cancer Genus Fusobacterium101,112 Increase
Species Fusobacterium nucleatum142,229 Increase

Caused double-stranded DNA breaks;

Promoted GLUT1 upregulation and lactic acid accumulation;

Species Porphyromonas gingivalis102105,154,155,244 Increase

Related to the formation of DNA adducts or the inhibition of DNA repair enzymes;

Related to the expression of EMT-related transcription factors;

Genus Prevotella106 Icrease
Species Prevotella intermedia107 Increase Related to carcinogenesis;
Species Treponema denticola108,109 Increase
Species Streptococcus anginosus110,111,155 Increase Related to the formation of DNA adducts or the inhibition of DNA repair enzymes;
Genus Streptococcus112 Decrease

Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa,

Campylobacter sp. Oral taxon 44113

Human papillomavirus98 Increase
Epstein-Barr virus99 Increase
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1100 Increase

Species Candida albicans,

species Candida etchellsii,

species Hannaella luteola-like114

Head-and-neck squamous cell carcinomas Genus Parvimonas116 Increase
Genus Actinomyces116 Decrease
Human papillomavirus types 16117,134 Increase Inhibited the cGas-STING pathway;
Oesophageal cancer Species Campylobacter conisus189 Increase Upregulated PRRs and aggregated IFI16 inflammasome;
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Genus Corynebacterium,

genus Staphylococcus28

Epstein-Barr virus119,217 Increase Downregulated IDO expression;
Ovarian carcinoma

Phylum Aquificae,

phylum Planctomycetes120

Phylum Crenarchaeota120 Decrease
Human papillomavirus types 16, 18, and 45121 Related to advanced-stage tumours;
Endometrial cancer

Genus Bacteroides,

genus Faecalibacterium122


Genus Staphylococcus,

genus Blautia,

genus Parabacteroides122

Cervical cancer

Genus Gardnerella,

genus Prevotella,

genus Streptococcus,

genus Atopobium226

Increase Metabolic regulation;
Human papillomavirus131,205,208,209 Increase

Integrated viral genome into the host chromosome;

recruited Treg cells;

inhibited cytotoxic T and NK cell activation;

upregulated PD-L1 expression;

Prostatic cancer Species Cutibacterium acnes123,124 Increase
Species Staphylococcus aureus202 Increase Recruited Treg cells;
Bladder cancer

Species Escherichia coli,

species Butyrate-producing bacteria SM4/1,

a species of Oscillatoria243

Increase Related to the expression of EMT-related genes;
Pituitary neuroendocrine tumour

Order Clostridiales,

family Fusobacteriaceae,

family Tissierellaceae,

family Aerococcaceae,

family Corynebacteriaceae,

family S24-7,


Increase Related to different clinical phenotypes of tumour;
Burkitt’s lymphoma Epstein-Barr virus126 Increase
Hodgkin’s lymphoma Epstein-Barr virus126 Increase
NK cell and T cell lymphomas Epstein-Barr virus126 Increase
Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1139 Increase Inhibited DNA repair pathway.
Lymphocytic leukaemia Human endogenous retroviruses118 Increase