Figure 3. Effects of diurnal rhythm in brain.
a. Gating strategy. b. Numbers of macrophage (CD45highCD11b+F4/80+), microglia (CD45intCD11b+), B cells (CD45highCD19+), NK cells (CD3-NK1.1+) and neutrophils (CD11b+CD45highLy-6G) (n=5–6). c. Counts of T cells (CD45highCD3+) (n=5–6). d. Counts of CD69 expressing T cells (CD45highCD3+ CD69) from exp1 and exp2 (n=5–6 for each exp) e. Ischemic volume (n=10). f. Correlation between ischemic volume and T cells (n=4). All values are mean±SD; comparisons via 2-tailed t-test or 2-way Anova.