Low-pH PAGE analysis of minor SASP from B. subtilis. Acetic acid and HCl extracts from dormant spores and growing cells of strain PS482 were prepared and redissolved as described in Materials and Methods, aliquots were run on PAGE at low pH, either the gel was stained with Coomassie blue (lanes a to d) or proteins were transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride paper, and the paper was stained with Coomassie blue (lane e). The samples (and amounts) of redissolved extract run in the various lanes were as follows: a and e, acetic acid extract of spores (20 μl); b, acetic acid extract of growing cells (20 μl); c, HCl extract of spores (20 μl); and d, HCl extract of growing cells (5 μl). The numbers adjacent to lane e denote protein bands present in spores but not in growing cells and are the numbers of the bands analyzed in Table 2.