Table 2.
Year | First Author |
Citation | ICE Outcomes | Model |
1979 | Doi | [21] | ↑BW (adults), ↔BW (newborns), ↑BAT, ↑EE in response to NorEp, ↑NST, ↓ST | Rats |
1984 | Harri | [22] | ↓Weight gain, ↔BW (trended ↓), ↑BAT, ↑NST, ↓ST | Rats |
1986 | Arnold | [19] | ↓BW, ↓FFM, ↓FM, ↑BAT, ↑EE, ↑EI | Rats |
1988 | Deshaies | [20] | ↓BW, ↓eWAT and %eWAT, ↑BAT and %BAT | Rats |
1989 | Yahata | [23] | ↓BW, ↓eWAT, ↓BAT, ↑EI | Rats |
2013 | Yoneshiro | [24] | ↔BW, ↓FM, ↔FFM. ↑BAT activity during CE, ↑EE during CE | Humans (No BAT Activity During Initial ACE) |
2014 | Yoo | [25] | ↑BW, ↔FFM, ↑FM, ↑iWAT, ↑iWAT adipocyte size, ↑iWAT beiging, ↑eWAT, ↓eWAT adipocyte size, ↑BAT, ↔EE | Mice |
2014 | Qiao | [26] | Adipoq−/−: ↑iWAT beiging, ↓thermogenesis | Mice |
2014 | Ravussin | [27] | Cohort 1 (1 or 4 h ICE): ↔BW, ↔FM, ↔FFM, ↔iWAT, ↔eWAT, ↔BAT, ↑EE (4 h), ↑EI (4 h) Cohort 2 (4 or 8h ICE): ↔BW, ↔FM, ↔FFM, ↔iWAT, ↑eWAT (4 & 8 h), ↔BAT, ↑EE (4 h), ↑↑EE (8 h), ↑EI (4 h), ↑↑EI (8 h) |
Mice |
2014 | Blondin | [28] | ↑BAT activity during CE, ↓skin temp, ↓ST | Humans |
2015 | Wang | [29] | ↔BW, ↔sWAT, ↓sWAT adipocyte size, ↓vWAT, ↑BAT activity, ↑BAT adipocyte number | Mice |
2015 | Bai | [30] | ↔BW, ↔sWAT, ↓sWAT adipocyte size, ↑pericardial WAT, ↓pericardial adipocyte size, ↑pericardial WAT beiging | Platue Pika (Rodent) |
2015 | Hanssen | [31] | ↑BAT activity during CE, ↑EE during CE, ↓basal metabolic rate at thermoneutrality | Humans (Overweight,T2D, Males) |
2016 | Gibas-Dorna | [32] | Winter swimmers vs. controls: ↑BW, ↑FM, ↓vWAT Winter swimmers (pre vs. post winter swimming season): ↔BW, ↔FM, ↔vWAT |
Humans |
2016 | Tsibul’nikov | [33] | ↑BW (↑8 h, ↑↑1.5 h), ↑BAT weight (8 h) | Rats |
2016 | Hanssen | [34] | ↑BAT activity during CE | Humans (Obese) |
2017 | Blondin | [35] | ↔BW, ↑BAT volume, ↑BAT activity with CE, ↓skin temp, ↓ST, ↑EE with CE, ↔fuel utilization during CE | Humans |
2019 | Presby | [36] | ↔BW, ↔FM, ↔FFM, ↔iWAT, ↔eWAT, ↑sWAT beiging, ↑BAT weight, ↑BAT adipocyte size, ↑EE during CE, ↓EE during dark cycle, ↑EE during light cycle | Obese Mice Caloric Restriction During ICE 24 h ad libitum after ICE |
2021 | Soberg | [16] | Winter swimmers: higher supraclavicular skin temp in response to cold exposure, no BAT glucose uptake at thermoneutrality (controls had glucose uptake at thermoneutrality), ↑glucose uptake in perirenal BAT during cold exposure (not significant for control), ↑REE during cold exposure | Humans |
2021 | Zhang | [37] | ↓BW, ↑EI (trend) | Rats |
2022 | McKie | [38] | ↑BW, ↑iWAT, ↑eWAT, ↑BAT, ↑EI, ↑↑EI (within 4 h post ICE) | Obese Mice |
2023 | Weng | [39] | ↑sWAT, ↔vWAT | Obese Rats |
2023 | Nema | [9] | ↔BW, ↔BMI, ↔FM, ↔FFM, ↓Waist Circumference (men only) | Humans (Soldiers) |
Legend: increased (↑) (↑↑), no change (↔), decreased (↓), cold exposure (CE), intermittent cold exposure (ICE), body weight (BW), fat mass (FM), fat-free mass (FFM), white adipose tissue (WAT), inguinal WAT (iWAT), epididymal WAT (eWAT), subcutaneous WAT (sWAT), visceral WAT (vWAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT), non-shivering thermogenesis (NST), shivering thermogenesis (ST), energy expenditure (EE), energy intake (EI).