Enhanced degranulation of NK cells upon CUR and RES treatment. (A) PBMCs, pre-treated with 5 µM CUR and/or RES for 48 h, were evaluated for NK cell-mediated degranulation assay against K562 cells or medium alone as control. The percentage of CD107a in the NK cell subset is indicated in each plot. A representative experiment out of six performed with PBMCs isolated from six healthy donors is shown. (B) Summary of degranulation studies of NK cells from PBMCs isolated from six healthy donors. Dots correspond to the percentage of CD107a+ NK cells in PBMCs from each donor, and the mean ± SD are also reported. Statistical significance of the effects obtained with CUR and RES, alone or in combination, was calculated vs. those obtained with DMSO-treated cells by two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test (** p < 0.01).