Endogenous variables
Trumpism—Strongly disapprove of former president Trump (1, 36%); somewhat disapprove (2, 5%); lean toward disapproving (3, 5%); neither approve nor disapprove (4, 7%); lean toward approving (5, 7%); somewhat approve (6, 16%); strongly approve (7, 24%). |
NoACC—Which of the following do you think is more accurate? Climate change is not happening now (1, 5%); climate change is happening now, caused mainly by natural forces (1, 25%); Climate change is happening now, caused mainly by human activities (0, 63%); don’t know (0, 7%). |
NoVax—Which of the following describes your own situation, regarding vaccination against COVID-19? I do not plan to be vaccinated (1, 22%); I plan to be vaccinated but have not done so yet (0, 13%); I have received first dose of a 2-shot vaccine (0, 9%); I am fully vaccinated (single dose of 1-shot, or both doses of 2-shot) (0, 56%). |
Exogenous variables
Age—Range 18 to 94 years, mean 48 years. |
Gender (Female)—Female (1, 51%); Male (0, 47%). Missing values: fewer than 2% identified as non-binary or gave no answer. |
Race (White)—White non-Hispanic (1, 64%); Black or African American (0, 12%); Hispanic (0, 13%); Asian American (0, 6%); Native American (0, 1%); other or mixed (0, 3%); prefer not to say (0, <1%). |
Income—Household income less than $15k (1, 12%); $15–30k (2, 16%); $30–70k (3, 36%); $70–120k (4, 20%); $120–200k (5, 11%); over $200k (6, 5%). |
Education—High school or less (–1, 25%); technical school or some college (0, 25%); college graduate (1, 32%); postgraduate work (2, 17%). |
Religion (Evangelical)—Identify as Christian Evangelical (1, 19%); other Protestant (0, 12%); other Catholic (0, 22%); other Mormon (0, 1%); Jewish (0, 3%); Muslim (0, 3%); Buddhist (0, 2%); Hindu (0, <1%); atheist (0, 4%); agnostic (0, 4%); something else (0, 14%); nothing in particular (0, 16%). |
Ideology—Extremely liberal (–3, 11%); fairly liberal (–2, 16%); moderate, lean liberal (–1, 12%); moderate, lean neither (0, 19%); moderate, lean conservative (1, 10%); fairly conservative (2, 16%); extremely conservative (3, 16%). |
Party—Democrat (–1, 46%); Independent (0, 7%); Republican (1, 42%); other or don’t know (coded as missing, 5%). |
Friends—Most of my friends prefer the same party I do (1, 46%); most prefer different parties (0, 15%); about evenly divided (0, 25%); don’t know (0, 14%). |
Conspiracist—Sum of moonfake, NASA astronauts did not land on the Moon—disagree (1, 70%), unsure (2, 17%), agree (3, 12%); and earthflat, the Earth is flat, not round—disagree (1, 81%), unsure (2, 9%), agree (3, 10%). Conspiracist ranges from 2 (disagree with both conspiracies, 64%) to 6 (agree with both conspiracies, 4%). |