Table 1. Promotive social protection programs that enhance livelihood and capabilities in Botswana.
Income transfers through public works | Productive asset transfers | Income generation activity | Capabilities development |
Ipelegeng (Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development-MLGRD) One-month rotating contracts (BWP567-US$54) without training. No requirements. |
LIMID (Ministry of Agriculture-MoA/MLGRD) Productive asset transfers (small stock** and chickens) for destitute people*. |
Alternative Package Program (Social and Community Development (S&CD)-MLGRD) Productive asset transfers or microenterprise support with microgrants, training, equipment for destitute people*. |
OSET (Ministry of Education and Skills Development-MOESD) Free-of-charge primary education for illiterate adults |
ISPAAD -horticulture (MoA) Loans and inputs to support commercial farming. Requirements: business plan, land ownership or 10-year lease hold, access to water, and 40–60% upfront capital investment |
Youth Development Fund (YDF, Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture-MYSC) Mixed loans and grants (50%-50%) for microenterprise development with training. Requirements: business plan; unemployed and out-of-school youth 18–35 years |
BOCODOL (MOESD) Distance learning for secondary education. School and examination fees waived for persons who did not receive Junior certificate (lower-level secondary education). |
ISPAAD -farming (MoA) Agricultural inputs: seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, loans, subsidies for ploughing and planting. Requirements: need to own, lease, or borrow fields. |
Tirelo Sechaba (YDF/MYSC) Youth apprenticeships (20–30 years) in community service (health, education, agriculture) (BWP700-US$65). |
*Destitute people: Individual income of BWP120 (US$11) or lower, or household incomes of BWP150 (US$14) or lower.
** the Government of Botswana uses the term small stock to refer to goats and sheep. APP: Alternative Package Programme; YDF: Youth Development Fund; ISPAAD: Integrated Support Programme for rain-fed Arable Agriculture Development; LIMID: Livestock Management and Infrastructure Development.