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. 2023 Dec 26;15(24):14509–14552. doi: 10.18632/aging.205106

Table 1. List of genome-wide significant loci in IgG galactosylation GWAS.

Locus Top SNP Trait EA OA EAF Beta SE P Beta repl SE repl P repl Closest gene Prioritized genes
1:24699711-25493756 rs188468174 G0 T C 0.015 0.693 0.048 3.20E-47 0.865 0.076 2.96E-30 RUNX3 RUNX3
2:26109539-26149988 rs10177977 G0 T C 0.334 -0.062 0.01 3.80E-10 -0.049 0.015 1.03E-03 KIF3C KIF3C
4:103390496-103567348 rs3774964 G2 A G 0.37 -0.065 0.01 1.56E-11 -0.038 0.015 9.20E-03 NFKB1 NFKB1; MANBA
6:31107733-31164511 rs1265109 G0 T G 0.295 -0.063 0.011 1.57E-09 0.013 0.019 4.97E-01 HLA region HLA region
6:74168723-74285118 rs3822960 G2 T C 0.306 0.061 0.01 5.84E-10 0.028 0.015 6.24E-02 EEF1A1 EEF1A1; MTO1
6:143088071-143206826 rs7758383 G2 A G 0.486 0.092 0.009 6.09E-23 0.145 0.014 9.44E-25 HIVEP2 HIVEP2
7:150856165-150906453 rs113745074 G0 T C 0.094 0.12 0.015 6.19E-16 0.134 0.022 8.47E-10 SMARCD3 ABCF2; CHPF2; SMARCD3
8:103542538-103550211 rs13250010 G0 T G 0.356 0.063 0.01 7.71E-11 0.062 0.015 3.47E-05 KB-1980E6.3 UBR5; RRM2B; ODF1; KB-1980E6.3
9:32933492-33385427 rs13297246 G2 A G 0.184 0.195 0.013 4.21E-55 0.202 0.019 2.36E-26 B4GALT1 B4GALT1
11:65555524-65555524 rs10896045 G1 A G 0.301 0.079 0.013 2.61E-09 0.079 0.017 2.42E-06 OVOL1 OVOL1; AP5B1
17:16813994-16875636 rs34562254 G1 A G 0.106 0.166 0.019 1.48E-18 0.092 0.024 9.95E-05 TNFRSF13B TNFRSF13B
17:43856639-44863413 rs199516 G0 T C 0.221 0.068 0.012 1.20E-08 0.058 0.018 1.25E-03 WNT3 ARHGAP27; CRHR1; SPPL2C; MAPT; KANLS1; ARL17B; LRRC37A; NSF; WNT3
17:45766846-45870129 rs1808192 G2 A G 0.351 0.061 0.01 5.94E-10 0.051 0.015 6.78E-04 TBKBP1 TBKBP1; TBX21
17:56404349-56418136 rs2526377 G2 A G 0.463 0.062 0.009 5.59E-11 0.057 0.015 8.05E-05 BZRAP1 BZRAP1; SUPT4H1; RAD5C1
17:79158040-79268562 rs2659005 G2 T C 0.436 0.079 0.009 4.36E-17 0.097 0.016 6.99E-10 SLC38A10 AZI1; ENTHD2; SLC38A10; C17orf89
21:36564553-36665202 rs4817708 G0 T C 0.229 0.073 0.011 2.39E-11 0.043 0.017 1.15E-02 RUNX1 RUNX1

Locus- chromosome:start-end position in GRCh37 (hg19) build; Top SNP- rsID identifier for the SNP with the strongest association with the glycan trait; Trait- trait with the lowest p-value for the top SNP in the genomic locus; EA- effect allele for which the effect is reported; OA- non-effect allele; EAF- effect allele frequency; Beta- effect estimate for the effect allele of the top SNP; SE- standard error of the effect estimate; P– p-value for the top SNP-trait association; Beta repl- effect estimate for the effect allele of the top SNP in replication analysis; SE repl- standard error of the effect estimate in the replication analysis; P repl- p-value for the top SNP in the replication analysis; Closest gene- gene found closest to the top SNP in the locus; Prioritized genes- symbol for genes prioritized in the locus.