Fig. 3. Cytokines drive diverse polarization states in each cell type.
a–n, Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plots of cells shown for each cell type. a, B cell. b, CD4+ T cell. c, CD8+ T cell. d, γδ T cell. e, Treg cell. f, NK cell. g, pDC. h, cDC1. i, cDC2. j, MigDC. k, Langerhans cell. l, Marco+ macrophage. m, Monocyte, n, Neutrophil. Coloured circles in the UMAP plots and next to state names correspond to polarization states. Cells coloured grey do not map to polarization states described. Cell polarization state name, single cytokine drivers and top marker genes are shown in the table for each cell type. Cytokine drivers coloured blue are probably indirect inducers. Top marker genes are defined as highly upregulated genes in the polarization state relative to all other cells of the same cell type. Colours in different panels are unrelated. o,p, Additional views of f using NK cells as an example to illustrate polarization-state analyses. o, UMAP plots coloured by cytokine or PBS treatment for major cytokine drivers of polarization states shown in f. p, Violin plots of expression levels of selected marker genes after cytokine or PBS treatment. Colours correspond to the polarization states that the cytokines are most strongly associated. This figure is a summary of the complete landscape for each cell type in Extended Data Figs. 5–8 and Supplementary Figs. 2–11.