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. 2023 Jun;23(2):640–651. doi: 10.4314/ahs.v23i2.74

Table 3.

Bivariate analysis exploring the proportions of emergency caesarean sections by socio-demographic, obstetric history, health system and travel to birth

Characteristics Women delivered via emergency CS ([%]n=1,923) Women delivered via SVD ([%] n=1,211) p-value
Age group
    12-19 years 41 (53.9) 35 (46.1) 0.392
    20-34 years 1,432 (61.7) 890 (38.3)
    35-60 years 450 (61.1) 286 (38.9)
Marital status
    Single 65 (48.9) 68 (51.1) 0.003
    Married 1,858 (61.9) 1,143 (38.1)
Employment status
    Unemployed/Housewife 340 (63.2) 198 (36.8) 0.010
    Student 79 (49.7) 80 (50.3)
    Self-employed (Petty-trader) 855 (60.4) 561 (39.6)
    Self-employed (Mid-high business) 225 (65.2) 120 (34.7)
    Employed 424 (62.7) 252 (37.3)
    Nulliparous (0) 749 (67.7) 357 (32.3) <0.001
    Multiparous (1-4) 1,136 (58.2) 817 (41.8)
    Grand-multiparous (5 or more) 38 (50.7) 37 (49.3)
Number of gestation(s)
    Singleton 1,805 (60.7) 1,166 (39.3) 0.003
    Multiple 118 (72.4) 45 (27.6)
Booking status
    Booked 941 (69.3) 416 (30.7) <0.001
    Un-booked 982 (55.3) 795 (44.7)
Maternal complication
    No maternal complication 65 (50.8) 63 (49.2) <0.001
    Obstructed labour 722 (75.5) 234 (24.5)
    Haemorrhage 312 (45.6) 373 (54.4)
    Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia 582 (65.8) 302 (34.2)
    Sepsis 33 (20.3) 130 (79.7)
    Others 209 (65.7) 109 (34.3)
Member of dyad with complication (n=3,087)
    Complications attributable to mother only 649 (75.4) 212 (24.6) <0.001
    Complications attributable to foetus only 6 (13.0) 40 (87.0)
    Complications attributable to mother and foetus 1,240 (56.9) 940 (43.1)
Settlement type of place of residence
    Urban 418 (60.8) 270 (39.2) <0.001
    Suburban 1,163 (67.2) 567 (32.8)
    Rural 342 (47.8) 374 (52.2)
Weekend travel to facility
    Yes 427 (58.7) 300 (41.3) 0.097
    No 1,496 (62.2) 911 (37.8)
Period of day of travel to the facility (n=2,069)
    Morning 475 (62.0) 291 (38.0) 0.172
    Afternoon 339 (62.3) 205 (37.7)
    Evening 265 (56.9) 201 (43.1)
    Night 169 (57.7) 124 (42.3)
    Not referred 1,383 (61.0) 884 (39.0) 0.511
    Referred 540 (62.3) 327 (37.7)
Referral facility (n=867)
    Another hospital (public) 108 (78.8) 29 (21.2) <0.001
    Another hospital (private 118 (68.2) 55 (31.8)
    Clinic 42 (65.6) 22 (34.4)
    Primary health centre 210 (55.7) 167 (44.3)
    Traditional birth attendant 48 (53.3) 42 (46.7)
    Nursing/maternity home 1 (16.7) 5 (83.3)
    Non-formal referral 12 (60.0) 8 (40.0)
Total travel time (n=2,673)
    0 – 9 minutes 284 (57.6) 209 (42.4) 0.219
    10 – 29 minutes 622 (63.8) 353 (36.2)
    30 – 59 minutes 400 (63.0) 235 (37.0)
    60 – 119 minutes 282 (62.4) 170 (37.6)
    120 – 480 minutes 75 (63.6) 43 (36.4)
Type of facility of birth
    Apex facility 366 (63.8) 208 (36.2) 0.114
    Non-apex facility 1,557 (60.8) 1,003 (39.2)

Excludes women whose journey to the hospital could not be determined (n=461)

Excludes women whose journey from home to the health facility could not be determined (n=116)