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. 2023 Dec 5;4(1):40–43. doi: 10.1016/j.jacasi.2023.10.003

Table 1.

Summary of Studies on CIT Identified Risk of Sinus Sequestration With TAV-in-TAV

First Author, Year Country of Origin Definition of Sinus Sequestration Reported Risk of Sinus Sequestration for Future Redo TAVR in ≥1 Coronary Artery Proportion With Risk Not Potentially Remediable Using Leaflet Modification Procedures (%)
Miyawaki, 2023 (n = 1,122)11 Japan TAVR commissure level located above the STJ
AND THV-to-STJ distance <2.0 mm in each coronary sinus
52.1% Sapien S3 (BEV), 71.3% Evolut R/Pro (SEV) BEV: 6.5% LCA, 5.3% RCA
SEV: 45.0% LCA, 46.7% RCA
Ochiai, 2023 (n = 418)12 Japan TAVR commissure level located above the STJ
AND THV-to-STJ distance <2.0 mm in each coronary sinus
17.6% in the HIT group (n = 108) and 5.3% of patients in the CIT group (n = 150) for Sapien S3 (BEV)
64.0% in the HIT group (n = 50) and 41.8% in the CIT group with Evolut R/PRO/PRO + (SEV)
BEV: 9.5% HIT, 12.5% CIT
SEV: 39.6% HIT, 52.9% CIT
Ochiai, 2020 (n = 411)13 United States TAVR commissure level above the STJ and distance between TAV
OR THV-STJ distance <2.0 mm in each coronary sinus
2% Sapien S3 (BEV), 45.5% Evolut R/Pro (SEV) BEV: 11.9%
SEV: 45.2%
Sato, 2023 (n = 308)14 Japan TAVR commissure level located above the STJ
AND THV-to-STJ distance <2.0 mm in each coronary sinus
39% Sapien S3 (BEV) NA
Chen, 2022 (n = 288)15 China 1) Both the VTSTJ and STJ-commissure distances were <2.0 mm if the THV commissure level was between the coronary ostium and the STJ
OR 2) either the VTSTJ distance or the VTA distance was <2.0 mm if the THV commissure level was above the STJ
25.7% VenusA-valve (SEV) 61.5% for LCA, 58.8% for RCA
Forrestal, 2022 (n = 81)16 United States TAVR commissure level located above the STJ
AND THV-to-STJ distance <2.0 mm in each coronary sinus
23% Evolut PRO/PRO + (SEV) NA
Rogers, 2020 (n = 137)17 United States TAVR commissure level located above the STJ
AND THV-to-STJ distance <2.0 mm in each coronary sinus
13.1% Sapien S3 (BEV) 8.7%

BEV = balloon-expandable valve; CIT = conventional implantation technique; HIT = high implantation technique; LCA = left coronary artery; NA = not available; RCA = right coronary artery; SEV = self-expanding valve; TAVR = transcatheter aortic valve replacement; THV = transcatheter heart valve; STJ = sinotubular junction; VTA = virtual transcatheter valve to aorta; VTSTJ = virtual transcatheter heart valve to sinotubular junction.