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. 2023 Aug 8;279(2):213–225. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000006059


Summary of the Included UGI and HPB Surgery Studies by Procedure

Procedure Studies (Patients) Recruitment Period Age Length of Stay Women (%) Malignant (%)
Distal pancreatectomy, minimally invasive 9 (3902) 1997–2018 58 10 58 40
Distal pancreatectomy, laparoscopic, benign 2 (1146) 2004–2018 56 9 65 0
Distal pancreatectomy, laparoscopic, malignant 2 (1106) 2007–2016 61 15 57 100
Distal pancreatectomy, open 8 (5916) 1992–2017 65 6 51 83
Distal pancreatectomy, open, benign 1 (655) 2014–2016 61 7 58 0
Distal pancreatectomy, open, malignant 4 (3666) 2005–2017 65 8 51 100
Pancreaticoduodenectomy, minimally invasive 11 (3083) 2004–2019 62 16 48 80
Pancreaticoduodenectomy, open 32 (42,805) 1980–2019 65 16 40 89
Liver resection, minimally invasive 17 (4644) 1995–2018 62 5 53 81
Liver resection, minimally invasive, minor 2 (1210) 1998–2015 63 5 43 80
Liver resection, minimally invasive, major 3 (659) 1997–2013 62 NR 54 88
Liver resection, open 20 (31,906) 1980–2017 60 9 45 89
Liver resection, open, minor 2 (3915) 2001–2010 64 NR 37 100
Liver resection, open, major 8 (3846) 1980–2017 57 14 43 97
Gastrectomy, minimally invasive 3 (1553) 1995–2013 59 12 43 60
Gastrectomy, open 6 (22,989) 1988-2013 70 13 34 100
Subtotal gastrectomy, open 2 (1891) 1988–2010 70 12 45 100
Total gastrectomy, open 1 (999) 2005–2010 64 13 40 100
Gastric bypass, laparoscopic 9 (38,3541) 2004–2018 45 3 81 0
Gastric bypass, robotic 7 (7453) 2002–2016 42 2 83 0
Gastric bypass, open 19 (68,095) 1987–2014 45 4 79 0
Sleeve gastrectomy, laparoscopic 16 (725,690) 2006–2017 43 3 72 0
Sleeve gastrectomy, robotic 4 (14,197) 2008–2016 44 2 75 NR

Minimally invasive include laparoscopic and robotic surgeries. Both age (yr) and the length of stay (d) are given as the median of the means or medians reported in the individual studies. Both the proportion of women and the proportion of malignant disease are given as the median of the proportions reported in the individual studies. Not all procedures are included in this table (Supplemental Digital Content Appendix, pages 137–145, 181–189, and 226–238, complete characteristics for all procedures).

NA indicates not applicable; NR, not reported.