WISH analyses revealed localization of Smgpcr20, Smnpp26, and Smnpp40 mainly in neuronal cells. A collection of WISH results showing the expression of Smgpcr20 (A), Smnpp26 (B), and Smnpp40 (C) in bM, bF, and sF. Sense probes served as negative controls and showed no signals (D). As positive control, we used a probe detecting Smtsp-2 (E), a tetraspanin gene with known expression pattern along tegument of S. mansoni (44). Smmyst4 (37; Möscheid et al., unpublished data), a vitellarium marker, was used as a positive control for the vitellarium-specific transcripts in bF (F). In some figure parts such as panel B, sF, adjacent images show different parts of the same flatworm to better illustrate the pervasive presence of stained cells (or signal-free areas such as in panel C, bF, vit) throughout the organism. vit, vitellarium; ov, ovary; u, uterus; ot, ootype; h, head; vs, ventral sucker. Scale bars = 200 µm.