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. 2023 Dec 21;17(1):sfad304. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfad304

Table 1:

Characteristics of hemodialysis sessions according to IDH definitions.

Reduction-based (Fall40) Nadir-based (Nadir90/100)
Variable Total number All sessions Non-IDH (n = 97 397) IDH (n = 13 003) Standardized difference Non-IDH (n = 98 947) IDH (n = 11 453) Standardized difference
Pre-HD 24 h. mean temp. (°C), mean (SD) 110 400 25.2 (4.4) 25.3 (4.3) 24.1 (4.7) 0.272 25.2 (4.4) 24.7 (4.6) 0.128
Demographic data
 Age (years), mean (SD) 110 400 62.9 (13.7) 62.9 (13.7) 63.3 (13.3) 0.035 62.3 (13.6) 68.6 (13.4) 0.470
 Male, n (%) 110 400 55 644 (50.4) 47 837 (49.1) 7807 (60.0) 0.221 51 518 (52.1) 4126 (36.0) 0.327
 DM, n (%) 110 400 48 180 (43.6) 40 020 (41.1) 8160 (62.8) 0.444 42 179 (42.6) 6001 (52.4) 0.197
 HTN, n (%) 110 400 83 010 (75.2) 72 725 (74.7) 10 285 (79.1) 0.105 75 602 (76.4) 7408 (64.7) 0.259
 CAD, n (%) 110 400 27 222 (24.7) 24 380 (25.0) 2842 (21.9) 0.075 24 163 (24.4) 3059 (26.7) 0.052
 CCI, mean (SD) 110 400 7.0 (2.8) 7.0 (2.9) 7.4 (2.6) 0.146 6.9 (2.8) 8.0 (2.7) 0.407
Hemodialysis records
 HD vintage (months), mean (SD) 110 400 59 (53) 60 (54) 52 (46) 0.163 59 (53) 62 (58) 0.050
 UF/DW (%), mean (SD) 108 635 3.76 (1.80) 3.61 (1.74) 4.91 (1.85) 0.726 3.66 (1.77) 4.63 (1.83) 0.539
 Pre-HD SBP (mmHg), mean (SD) 110 395 136 (22) 134 (21) 155 (22) 0.987 138 (21) 121 (27) 0.702
 Blood flow (mL/min), mean (SD) 110 084 275 (36) 275 (35) 277 (38) 0.040 277 (35) 260 (34) 0.483
 Dialysate flow (mL/min), mean (SD) 110 379 564 (113) 560 (110) 597 (123) 0.317 566 (114) 547 (100) 0.176
 Dialysate avg. temp. (°C), mean (SD) 110 231 36.1 (0.4) 36.1 (0.4) 36.0 (0.4) 0.244 36.1 (0.4) 35.9 (0.4) 0.448
 Conductivity (mEq/L), mean (SD) 109 769 140.0 (0.6) 140.0 (0.6) 140.0 (0.7) 0.031 140.0 (0.7) 140.0 (0.5) 0.033
 Dialysate calcium (mEq/L), n (%) 110 384
  1.8 1490 (1.3) 1336 (1.4) 154 (1.2) 0.017 1428 (1.4) 62 (0.5) 0.091
  2.5 58 946 (53.4) 52 021 (53.4) 6925 (53.3) 0.003 52 712 (53.3) 6234 (54.4) 0.023
  3.0 42 286 (38.3) 37 230 (38.2) 5056 (38.9) 0.014 37 755 (38.2) 4531 (39.6) 0.029
  3.5 7662 (6.9) 6794 (7.0) 868 (6.7) 0.012 7037 (7.1) 625 (5.5) 0.068
 Hb, mean (SD) 110 374 10.6 (1.0) 10.6 (1.0) 10.8 (1.0) 0.188 10.6 (1.0) 10.7 (1.0) 0.150
Antihypertensives and iron use, n (%) 107 867
 ACEi/ARB 27 204 (25.2) 24 320 (25.0) 2884 (22.2) 0.066 26 216 (26.5) 988 (8.6) 0.483
 Beta-blockers 31 692 (29.4) 27 943 (28.7) 3749 (28.8) 0.003 29 755 (30.1) 1937 (16.9) 0.314
 Alpha-blockers 11 912 (11.0) 10 823 (11.1) 1089 (8.4) 0.092 11 530 (11.7) 382 (3.3) 0.320
 Calcium channel blocker 40 708 (37.7) 37 099 (38.1) 3609 (27.8) 0.221 39 594 (40.0) 1114 (9.7) 0.748
 Vasodilator 8712 (8.1) 7951 (8.2) 761 (5.9) 0.091 8289 (8.4) 423 (3.7) 0.198
 IV_iron 110 400 1569 (1.4) 1392 (1.4) 177 (1.4) 0.000 1457 (1.5) 112 (1.0) 0.158

Data presented as mean (SD) in the continuous variables, and numbers (n) with the percentage (%) in categorical variables.

A standardized difference of <0.1 was considered a negligible difference between groups.

Temp., temperature; DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; CAD, coronary artery disease; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; HD, hemodialysis; avg, average; Hb, hemoglobin; ACEi, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin-receptor blocker; IV_iron, intravenous iron infusion.