Fig. 6.
Image of notable oxCCO changes seen in studies found for this review. (i): Channels with statistically significant responses for (Top, Left) the Social condition versus baseline, (Top, Right) the Non-social condition versus baseline and (Bottom) the Social versus the Non-social condition for HbO2 (red), HHb (blue) and ΔoxCCO (green). The double line around the channel indicates statistical significance after FDR correction. [53] , (ii): Examples of reconstructed Δ[oxCCO] images on the GM surface mesh for participant 2, 3, and 4. The reconstruction for 20-s post stimulus onset is displayed. [29]. (iii): Block-average and standard error of mean for 17 subjects during functional activation for left and right sides (a) without regression (b) with short-separation regression. Stimulus period indicated by grey background. [62] .