Fig. 3.
Localization of HKDC1 in mitochondria is required for PINK1 accumulation and Parkin recruitment. (A) Schematic domain structure of FL HKDC1, ∆N20 HKDC1, and SA HKDC1, showing the N-terminal MBD site, two HK domains, and the mNG tag. a.a. represents amino acids. (B) Representative images of mNG-HKDC1, Myc-Parkin, and TOM20 detected by IF in siHKDC1-transfected HeLa cells overexpressing mNG, FL HKDC1-mNG, ∆N20 HKDC1-mNG, or SA HKDC1-mNG, and treated with A/O for 3 h. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. N = 3. (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (C) Representative WB of FL-PINK1, exogenous (exo) and endogenous (endo) HKDC1 in siLuc- or siHKDC1-transfected HeLa cells overexpressing Myc-Parkin and either mNG, FL HKDC1–mNG, ∆N20 HKDC1–mNG, or SA HKDC1–mNG, and treated with A/O for 1 h. N = 3.