(A) Two NCOR1-GPS2 (green) fusion complexed with two HDAC3 (grey), four equivalents of TBL1(pink) tetramerization domain, IP6 (red/orange/dark grey/white), potassium (purple) and zinc (blue). (B) MIER-HDAC1 (green-grey) complex with IP6 (red/orange/dark grey/white), potassium (purple) and zinc (blue). (C) RERE-HDAC1 (green-grey) complex with IP6 (red/orange/dark grey/white), potassium (purple) and zinc (blue). (A-C) Complexes simulated with AlphaFold multimer; pLDDT quintiles depicted by green gradient with darker color corresponding to higher pLDDT. Top-scoring models were selected and potassium, zinc, and inositol hexaphosphate were added based on an existing model (PDBID: 5ICN), then subjected to Rosetta relax for further refinement. Lowest energy structures were selected for depiction. All structures rendered with ChimeraX.