Fig. 5. A geographically distant pair of ancient biological relatives detected with ancIBD.
a, When screening ancient Eurasian individuals for IBD segments (Fig. 3), we detected a pair of biological relatives whose remains were buried 1,410 km apart, one in central Mongolia and one in Southern Russia. The two individuals were previously published in two different publications35,59. Both individuals are archaeologically associated with the Afanasievo culture and genetically cluster with other Afanasievo individuals35,59. b, Posterior of non-IBD state on chromosome 12, which has the longest inferred IBD segment (39.1 cM long, indicated as a dark blue bar). We also plot opposing homozygotes (upper grey dots), whose absence is a necessary signal of IBD. Only SNPs where both markers have an imputed genotype probability >0.99 are plotted. c, Plot of all inferred IBD segments longer than 12 cM. d, Histogram of inferred IBD segment lengths, as well as theoretical expectations for various types of relatives (calculated using formulas described in ref. 29). Panels b–d were all created using default plotting functions bundled into the ancIBD software package.