Fig. 4.
Predictive performance of the combined TyG and BMI for stroke. A The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve evaluating the discriminative capabilities by calculating the AUC; B Decision curve analysis to compare the clinical utility, the y-axis represents net benefits, calculated by subtracting the relative harm (false positives) from the benefits (true positives). The x-axis calculates the threshold probability; (C) NRI and IDI index for TyG combined with BMI. The TyG-BMI was calculated by the formula ln[TC (mg/dl) × FBG (mg/dl) / 2] × BMI (kg/m2). TyG + BMI indicates the combined effect of TyG and BMI. AUC, area under curve; BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; TyG, triglyceride-glucose; NRI, net reclassification index; IDI, integrated discrimination improvement