A maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of C. tuberculostearicum species complex genomes from this study and publicly available, calculated from 1,315 core gene cluster alignments. Bootstrap values (located along internal nodes) were calculated from 1,000 replicates. Clustering was generated using GET_HOMOLOGUES OrthoMCL v1.4 option with minimum coverage 90% in BLAST pairwise alignments. The tree was rooted on outgroup C. accolens ATCC 49725. On the right of tree, boxes depict site (body site locations defined in Fig. 1) and individual (HV) from which each isolate was cultured. Sites are colored by niche type, with moist in shades of green; feet in shades of orange; dry in pink; sebaceous in lavender; and nares in blue. Individuals are randomly but consistently colored.