Extended Data Fig. 3. Zonation of Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells (LSEC) and Hepatocellular Stellate Cells (HSC).
a. Pseudobulk chromatin profiles at different gene loci for LSEC zonation states, accompanied by violin plots representing the normalized gene expression of the relevant gene in each class. UMAPs show the gene expression of the relevant genes with RGB encoding. b. Normalized region accessibility and gene expression zonation heat maps. LSECs are ordered by pseudotime (from periportal to pericentral) and regions and genes affected by zonation are shown (281 regions and 220 genes). c. GAM fitted gene expression profiles for selected genes along the zonation pseudotime for LSECs. d. Liver section image showing smFISH profiles for Ntn4 (PP LSEC marker) and Kit (PC LSEC marker). e. ScoMAP liver lobule and smFISH coloured by gene expression using RGB encoding. f. Pseudobulk chromatin profiles at different gene loci for HSC zonation states, accompanied by violin plots representing the normalized gene expression of the relevant gene in each class. UMAPs show the gene expression of the relevant genes with RGB encoding. g. Normalized region accessibility and gene expression zonation heat maps. HSCs are ordered by pseudotime (from periportal to pericentral) and regions and genes affected by zonation are shown (475 regions and 275 genes). h. GAM fitted gene expression profiles for selected genes along the zonation pseudotime for HSCs. i. Liver section image showing smFISH profiles for Ntgr (HSC PP marker) and Adamtsl2 (PC HSC marker). j. ScoMAP liver lobule and smFISH coloured by gene expression using RGB encoding. For the transcriptome and epigenome data, cells from 5 and 4 biological replicates were combined, respectively. For i and h, three independent experiments were performed, with similar results. HSC: hepatic stellate cells, LSEC: liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, PC: pericentral, PP: periportal. Source numerical data are available in source data.