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. 2023 Dec 13;27(3):155–162. doi: 10.5114/wo.2023.133709

Table 1.

Docked interaction analysis of AKT inhibitors screened into mTOR

BindingDBReactan t_set_id pIC50 Weight Predicted mTOR pIC50 Number of H bonds Active site residues and bond length in Å Affinity [–kcal/mol]
44988 8.397 559.701 9.749 4 3.4–3.4 Y2226/3.1 W2239/3.2 K2171 9.8
329800 8.167 529.586 9.533 2 3.3 E2190/3.5 D2357 8.4
329813 8.102 503.547 9.429 2 3.0 S2165/3.2 Q2166 8.3
329826 8.397 547.601 9.544 2 3.0 S2165/3.1 Q2166 8.2
329831 8.318 517.575 9.637 3 3.3 S2165/2.9 Q2166/3.6 E2190 8.7
329838 8.161 555.583 9.407 5 3.3 R2348/3.3–3.4 D2252/3.4–3.2 R2251 8.9
329842 8.387 533.573 9.410 2 3.4 D2357/3.1 T2245 8.2
329843 8.180 587.544 9.700 2 3.5 D2357/3.3 N2343 8.1
329866 8.657 551.414 9.718 2 3.3 Q2167/3.4 V2240 8.4
329867 8.552 587.875 9.941 2 3.3 V2240/3.2 R2251 8.0
329879 8.180 477.509 9.441 3 3.3 S2342/3.4 R2251/3.3 V2240 8.3
329906 8.823 525.377 9.853 2 3.4 V2240/3.3 Q2166 8.3
329911 8.677 474.535 9.407 2 3.4 G2238/3.0 R2251 7.6
329912 8.853 480.925 9.418 2 3.4 V2240/3.3 Q2167 8.2
329913 8.443 506.963 9.391 2 3.4 V2240/3.3 Q2167 8.2
329948 8.119 531.601 9.700 2 3.1 S2165/3.3 Q2166 8.3
329949 8.657 537.992 9.718 2 3.2 S2165/3.2 Q2166 8.4
329950 8.522 536.002 9.742 3 2.8 V2240/3.3 Q2167/3.1 S2165 9.0
329958 9 523.966 9.568 2 3.2 Q2167/3.2 S2165 8.6
329959 8.638 583.609 9.471 2 3.3 Q2165/3.1 S2165 9.6
329960 8.376 515.558 9.385 2 3.4 S2342/3.4 T2245 9.1
329966 8.769 532.437 9.531 2 3.1 Q2167/3.2 S2165 8.7
329967 8.537 514.446 9.413 2 3.2 Q2167/3.1 S2165 8.3
329968 8.229 514.446 9.413 2 3.1 Q2167/3.3 S2165 8.5
329970 8.387 517.575 9.553 2 3.4 S2165/3.4 D2243 8.4
330002 8.309 524.088 9.516 2 3.2 S2165/3.1 Q2167 8.1
330007 8.376 564.453 9.957 2 3.4 S2165/3.3 D2243 8.4
330008 8.744 548.891 9.697 2 3.2 S2165/3.1 Q2167 8.6
330020 8.136 543.612 9.834 1 3.2 R2251 8.7
330052 8.638 542.584 9.491 2 3.0–3.0 T2245 9.3
330121 9.096 542.584 9.438 2 3.3 R2252/3.3 R2349 9.5
50152163 9 461.428 9.835 3 3.5–3.1 R2251/3.2 D2252 7.9
50152170 8.522 523.377 9.446 2 3.2 R2251/3.4 E2190 8.0
50197665 8.301 466.540 9.440 1 2.9 Y2225 9.5
50212679 8.221 466.540 9.440 1 3.1 S2165 8.5
50414691 8.337 466.540 9.440 1 3.0 Y2225 9.5
50426806 8.920 466.540 9.440 2 3.6 G2236/3.4 T2245 8.8
50453767 9 461.428 9.835 2 3.3 D2252/3.5 R2251 7.8
50453775 8.698 523.377 9.360 2 3.5 R2251/3.4 D2252 8.0
51061496 8.283 429.452 9.466 5 3.1 Q2167/3.1 S2165/2.8 E2190/3.2 D2357/2.9 V2240 9.7
AZD8055 9.096 465.5 ****** 3 3.1 V2240/2.8 S2165/2.9 Q2167 7.8
XL388 8.004 455.5 ****** 4 3.0 Q2167/3.3 D2357/3.2 Y2225/2.5 D2195 8.6

Docking (affinity) scores of AKT inhibitors in the catalytic site of mTOR were set between –7.6 and –9.8 kcal/mol. AZ8055 and XL388 (mTOR reference inhibitors) showed scores of –7.8 and –8.6 kcal/mol.