Figure 1:
Natural selection on carbohydrate metabolism and transport may be the most important process underlying evolution of pathogenicity in the genus Ascosphaera. A) Species tree generated in Orthofinder (v 2.3.12) by pulling single copy orthologs (Emms D.M. & Kelly S. 2019; Emms D.M. & Kelly S. 2017; Emms D.M. & Kelly S. 2018) and visualized with FigTreev1.4.4. Red lines indicate the known pathogen lineages. Bootstrap supports 100% for all nodes, branch lengths represent nucleotide evolution. B) Out of 1,602 single copy orthologs for the 5 species analysis and 3,058 when excluding A. atra, 128 showed signatures of significant positive selection (FDRP < 0.055%). The x-axis represents which species were marked as the foreground for CodeML analysis before running branch-site models. The group “5 species” represents the analysis including A. apis, A. pollenicola, A. aggregata, A. atra, and A. acerosa. The “4 species” is the same but excludes A. atra. The facet on the right side represents the GO terms for the predicted genes on the left.