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. 2024 Jan 17;19(1):e0295840. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0295840

Table 2. Proportion with disease history by weight category.

Disease <10kg 10 to <20kg 20 to <30kg 30 to <40kg > = 40kg Overall
N = 6207 N = 5613 N = 8219 N = 5167 N = 2335 N = 27541
Skin 1628 (26%) 1531 (27%) 2369 (29%) 1621 (31%) 766 (33%) 7915 (29%)
Infection/Parasites 1186 (19%) 1593 (28%) 2441 (30%) 1478 (29%) 641 (27%) 7339 (27%)
Bone/Orthopedic 1187 (19%) 931 (17%) 1461 (18%) 1181 (23%) 527 (23%) 5287 (19%)
Gastrointestinal 892 (14%) 786 (14%) 1119 (14%) 749 (14%) 368 (16%) 3914 (14%)
Ocular 1079 (17%) 800 (14%) 934 (11%) 571 (11%) 241 (10%) 3625 (13%)
Ear/Nose/Throat 827 (13%) 713 (13%) 915 (11%) 752 (15%) 362 (16%) 3569 (13%)
Kidney/Urinary 530 (9%) 452 (8%) 639 (8%) 369 (7%) 131 (6%) 2121 (8%)
Cancer/Tumors 273 (4%) 327 (6%) 565 (7%) 428 (8%) 158 (7%) 1751 (6%)
Cardiac 671 (11%) 362 (6%) 301 (4%) 177 (3%) 56 (2%) 1567 (6%)
Brain/Neurologic 362 (6%) 278 (5%) 346 (4%) 235 (5%) 103 (4%) 1324 (5%)
Liver/Pancreas 393 (6%) 209 (4%) 195 (2%) 130 (3%) 43 (2%) 970 (4%)
Respiratory 385 (6%) 169 (3%) 207 (3%) 124 (2%) 65 (3%) 950 (3%)
Endocrine 194 (3%) 190 (3%) 264 (3%) 176 (3%) 89 (4%) 913 (3%)

Source: Data from the Dog Aging Project for N = 27,541 dogs included in the 2020 data release.