Fig. 5. Results of eQTL-colocalization analysis.
We present selected positive colocalization findings of eQTLs and kidney traits. We display genes showing co-localization posterior probabilities (PP) larger than 75% for kidney-related tissues (tubulointerstitial (TI)) or for kidney-related genes in other tissues (stomach (Sto), thyroid (Thy), muscle skeletal (MS), whole blood (WB)) for at least one kidney trait in at least one analysis subgroup. Color coding corresponds to posterior probabilities of hypotheses H3 (different signals for kidney trait and eQTL, red) and H4 (same signal, i.e., colocalization, blue). Arrows show same (↑↑) or opposite (↑↓) directions of effects of trait and eQTL. To assess this relationship, we used the index variant of each locus, respectively for locus 8 the best available proxy (rs12851072, r2 = 0.97). In case of co-localizations in multiple tissues, we showed the results for kidney-related tissues or the tissue with the strongest support for H4. All results can be found in Supplementary Data 8. Direction of effects are provided in Supplementary Data 15. Crosses represent combinations not tested due to lack of signal for the kidney-related trait.