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. 2024 Jan 4;11:1286730. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1286730
String line Number of results
1 exp Coronavirus/ 160,423
2 COVID-19/ 210,509
3 ((corona* or corono*) adj1 (virus* or viral* or virinae*)).ti,ab,kw 5,338
4 (coronavirus* or coronovirus* or coronaviri* or 2019-nCoV or 2019nCoV or nCoV2019 or nCoV-2019 or covid-19* or covid19* or ncov* or n-cov* or HCoV* or SARS-CoV-2 or SARSCoV-2 or SARSCov2 or SARS-CoV2 or severe acute respiratory syndrome).ti,ab,kw 341,577
5 ((outbreak* or pandemic* or epidemic*) adj10 (wuhan or hubei or china or Chinese or Huanan)).ti,ab,kw 11,698
6 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 359,003
7 exp homeless persons/ or exp. homeless man/ or exp. homeless youth/ or exp. homeless woman 10,711
8 (homeless* or unhouse* or unshelter* or roofless* or houseless* or “sleeping on the street*” or “living on the street*” or “sleeping rough” or “living rough” or “rough sleep*” or “street person*” or “street people” or “street liv*” or “without a roof”).ti,ab. 13,499
9 (“no fixed address*” or “no fixed abode” or “unstable hous*” or “hous* instability” or “lack of hous*” or “vulnerably hous*” or “night shelter” or “transition hous*” or “supported hous*” or “emergency hous*” or “emergency shelter*” or “temporary accommodation” or “emergency accommodation” or “insecure accommodation” or “precarious hous*” or “seeking shelter” or “couch surf*” or “sofa surf*”).ti,ab 2,225
10 (street dwell* or improvised dwell* or shelter dwell* or sleeping out* or street involved).ti,ab 301
11 ((without or no or “lack of” or inadequate*) adj1 (hous* or accommodation* or shelter* or hostel* or dwell*)).ti,ab 1819
12 ((homeless* or street or transient* or marginal* or vulnerabl* or temporary or unstabl* or vulnerabl* or insecure or support* or transition*) adj2 (hous* or accomondation* or shelter* or hostel* or dwell*)).ti,ab. 5,687
13 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 21,709
14 6 and 13 949