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. 2023 Oct 27;88(6):336–348. doi: 10.1159/000534794

Table 1.

Main characteristics of studies included in quantitative synthesis and meta-analysis

Author, year Country Population Intervention Controls Outcomes
Aghahosseini et al. [21] (2012) Iran Women undergoing IVF who have had two or more implantation failures with unsuspected or no uterine cavity abnormalities, normal HSG, and no history of hysteroscopy in the last 2 months Hysteroscopy prior to a subsequent IVF attempt Immediate IVF without prior hysteroscopy CPR
Casini et al. [20] (2006) Italy Women affected by uterine fibroids Hysteroscopic surgery to remove the fibroids No treatment. Patients were suggested to immediately start having regular fertility-oriented coitus CPR
Demirol et al. [22] (2004) Turkey Women with primary infertility and two or more failed IVF cycles with no known intracavitary disease, a normal HSG, and controlled ovarian stimulation for IVF abnormalities Office hysteroscopic evaluation of the uterine cavity and cervix before commencing treatment No office hysteroscopic evaluation of the uterine cavity and cervix before commencing controlled ovarian stimulation for IVF treatment CPR
Elsetohy et al. [11] (2015) Egypt Women scheduled for first IVF treatment cycle with no known abnormality, apart from intramural myomas without uterine cavity deformity Hysteroscopic examination in the early-mid-follicular phase of a menstrual cycle. If any intrauterine abnormality was detected, therapeutic hysteroscopy was performed in the same hysteroscopy session or scheduled for an operative procedure later. Subsequent ICSI IVF without hysteroscopy CPR
El-Nashar. [23] (2011) Egypt Women with unexplained infertility after carrying out initial investigations for her and her partner, scheduled to start their first IVF cycle Hysteroscopy with directed biopsy and correction of any intrauterine abnormalities Exact timing of hysteroscopy before ICSI is not specified ICSI cycle without undergoing a hysteroscopy CPR
El-Toukhy et al. [24] (2016) UK, Italy, Belgium, Czech Rep Infertile women younger than 38, planning IVF Outpatient hysteroscopy without sedation before starting IVF IVF without prior hysteroscopy CPR
Perez-Medina et al. [25] (2005) Spain Infertile women with at least 24 months of infertility, with a sonographic diagnosis of endometrial polyps and planning IUI Hysteroscopic polypectomy Women were scheduled to receive four cycles of IUI; the first IUI was planned for three cycles after hysteroscopy Endometrial polyps were not extracted during diagnostic hysteroscopy and polyp biopsy was performed CPR
Rama Raju et al. [12] (2006) India Patients with two or more failed IVF cycles with primary infertility or male factor infertility with no known uterine cavity abnormalities Office hysteroscopy prior to a subsequent IVF attempt Immediate IVF without prior hysteroscopy CPR
Shawki et al. [13] (2012) Egypt Women suffering from primary infertility, candidate for first IVF or with one or more failed IVF. IVF after performing office hysteroscopy. Abnormal findings were recorded and treated IVF without office hysteroscopy CPR
Ghasemi et al. [26] (2022) Iran Patients with primary infertility without prior hysteroscopic examination or previous IVF, normal transvaginal sonography in the last month, and a normal HSG (in the past 6–24 months), who were scheduled for the first IVF cycle Hysteroscopy and irrigation of uterine cavity with a large amount of saline solution (200–300 mL) followed by IVF IVF without office hysteroscopy CPR
Ben Abid et al. [27] (2021) Tunisia Infertile women planning their first IVF cycle. All patients had a normal uterine cavity based on transvaginal sonography and HSG Diagnostic hysteroscopy followed by IVF IVF without hysteroscopy CPR
Gurgan et al. [28] (2019) Turkey Women <40 years of age with FSH ≤15 IU/mL who met the recurrent implantation failure definition Endometrial scoring through office hysteroscopy followed by IVF IVF without hysteroscopy CPR
Smit et al. [30] (2016) The Netherlands Infertile women scheduled for IVF with a normal transvaginal ultrasound Diagnostic hysteroscopy with see and treat Immediate IVF without hysteroscopy LBR
Moramezi et al. [31] (2012) Iran Women planning IUI cycles Office hysteroscopy No hysteroscopy CPR
Berntsen et al. [32] (2020) Denmark Women planning IVF; one or more previously failed IVF cycle(s) Endometrial scratching performed by office hysteroscopy in the cycle preceding the IVF/ICSI cycle Standard fertility treatment in the clinic without office hysteroscopy CPR