Risk of dying by subphenotype in those who did (blue bars) and did not (red bars) receive convalescent plasma. Robust Poisson regression models adjusted for onset time, hospital, self-identified race/ethnicity and insurance provider stratified by receiving convalescent plasma versus not. P-interaction terms generated by robust Poisson multivariable regression with introduction of an interaction term. P-interaction terms of less than 0.10 are shown. Hypoinflam.: Hypoinflammatory; Mod inflam. Fever: Moderate inflammation with fever; Hyperinflam. Liver dysfunc.: Hyperinflammatory with liver dysfunction; Mod inflam. Coagulopathy: Moderate inflammation with coagulopathy; Hyperinflam. Renal dysfunc: Hyperinflammatory with renal dysfunction; Hyperinflam. Multiorgan dysfunc.: Hyperinflammatory with multiorgan dysfunction. Number at risk per subphenotype (those who received convalescent plasma/those who did not): Hypoinflammatory (2/19), Moderate inflammation, fever (10/82), Hyperinflammatory, liver dysfunction (18/179), Moderate inflammation, coagulopathy (25/253), Hyperinflammatory, renal dysfunction (11/186), Hyperinflammatory multiorgan dysfunction (27/530).