Figure 3.
Risk of dying by subphenotype in those who did (blue bars) and did not (red bars) receive convalescent plasma. Robust Poisson regression models adjusted for onset time, hospital, self-identified race/ethnicity and insurance provider stratified by receiving convalescent plasma versus not. P-interaction terms generated by robust Poisson multivariable regression with introduction of an interaction term. P-interaction terms of less than 0.10 are shown. Hypoinflam.: Hypoinflammatory; Mod inflam. Fever: Moderate inflammation with fever; Hyperinflam. Liver dysfunc.: Hyperinflammatory with liver dysfunction; Mod inflam. Coagulopathy: Moderate inflammation with coagulopathy; Hyperinflam. Renal dysfunc: Hyperinflammatory with renal dysfunction; Hyperinflam. Multiorgan dysfunc.: Hyperinflammatory with multiorgan dysfunction. Number at risk per subphenotype (those who received convalescent plasma/those who did not): Hypoinflammatory (2/19), Moderate inflammation, fever (10/82), Hyperinflammatory, liver dysfunction (18/179), Moderate inflammation, coagulopathy (25/253), Hyperinflammatory, renal dysfunction (11/186), Hyperinflammatory multiorgan dysfunction (27/530).