Table I:
Unadjusted OLS (1) |
Recentered IV (2) |
Controlled OLS (3) |
Panel A: No Controls | |||
Market Access Growth | 0.232 (0.075) |
0.084 (0.097) [−0.245, 0.337] |
0.072 (0.093) [−0.169, 0.337] |
Expected Market Access Growth | 0.317 (0.096) |
Panel B: With Geography Controls | |||
Market Access Growth | 0.133 (0.064) |
0.056 (0.089) [−0.135, 0.280] |
0.047 (0.092) [−0.146, 0.280] |
Expected Market Access Growth | 0.214 (0.073) |
Recentered | No | Yes | Yes |
Prefectures | 275 | 275 | 275 |
Notes: This table reports coefficients from regressions of employment growth on MA growth in Chinese prefectures from 2007–2016. MA growth is unadjusted in Column 1. In Column 2 this treatment is instrumented by MA growth recentered by permuting the opening status of built and unbuilt HSR lines with the same number of cross-prefecture links. Column 3 instead estimates an OLS regression with recentered MA growth as treatment and controlling for expected MA growth given by the same HSR counterfactuals. The regressions in Panel B control for distance to Beijing, latitude, and longitude. Standard errors which allow for linearly decaying spatial correlation (up to a bandwidth of 500km) are reported in parentheses. 95% RI confidence intervals based on the HSR counterfactuals are reported in brackets.