Figure 5.
Evaluation of RT–PCR-CRISPR and RT-RAA-CRISPR assays using HDV-positive samples. A. Fluorescence values of RT–PCR-CRISPR for HDV-positive sample serial dilutions. B. Fluorescence values of RT-RAA-CRISPR for HDV-positive sample dilutions. C. Ct values of RT–qPCR for HDV-positive sample serial dilutions. D. Scatter plot of ddPCR for HDV-positive sample serial dilutions. E. Fluorescence values of RT–PCR-CRISPR for different positive samples (HCV, HEV, HIV, HBV RNA). F. Fluorescence values of RT-RAA-CRISPR for different positive samples (HCV, HEV, HIV, HBV RNA). The data are the mean ± s.d. for 3 technical replicates. NC, Negative controls. *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001.