Table 2.
Mexico’s 2018 and 2022 report card grades.
Indicator | Rationale | Grade 2022 |
Overall physical activity | 15.4% of children aged 10-14 years and 53.7% of adolescents aged 15-19 years, perform at least 60 min of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per day (16). | 3 |
Organized sport participation | 48.4% of children aged 10-14 years report having participated in a sport or organized activity in the last 12 months (16). | 5 |
Active play | Children aged 9-12 years spend 2 h a day in active play (32). Children aged 2-5 years spend 3.8 h a day in active play (33). 76% of children aged 6-11 play outdoors at least one day a week (34). | 4 |
Active transportation | 54.1% of children over 3 years old walk to school while 1.5% go by bicycle (35). 20.5% of upper secondary students walk to school, 2.1% by bicycle, and 0.13% by skateboard (18). | 5 |
Sedentary behavior | 43.6% of children between 10-14 years old spend less than 2 h a day in front of a screen. Adolescents aged 15-19 spend 4.8 h a day sitting (16). | 4 |
Sleep | 91% of children aged 10-14 years sleep at least 9 h a day (15). 65% of adolescents aged 15-17 years sleep at least 8 h a day (15). | 7 |
Physical fitness | 61.8% of children aged 5-11 years have adequate BMI values for age (19). 56.2% of adolescents of 12-19 years have age-appropriate BMI values (19). | 6 |
Family | 65-67% of parents engaged in physical activity or sports in the last week, with an average of 230 min per week (20). | 7 |
School | The percentage of public schools with a physical education teacher is 33.4% in pre-school, 53.3% in primary, and 32.2% in secondary (21). An average of 74.4% of schools have recreational areas and 83.9% have patios (22). | 6 |
Community and environment | 37% of the neighborhoods in Mexico have all their streets with sidewalks and trees, 13.4% have public lighting, and 6.5% have a wheelchair ramp (23); 0.5% of the total number of roads in towns with 5,000 or more inhabitants have bicycle paths or cycle lanes (23); 62% of Mexican adults have stopped allowing their children to spend time outside home (24); 60% of the physically active population goes to public facilities (25) | 4 |
Government | Several policies and programs aimed at improving children and physical activity were launched between 2013-2018. However, there is no clear delineation about the responsibilities of the different sectors involved in the implementation of these programs and policies. No considerable progress was identified between 2013-2020 around investments, policies, and programs. | 6 |