Fig. 3. Long-term metformin treatment exacerbated the cognitive decline in AD mice.
A Behavioral experiment schedule of AD mice with metformin treatment. B The survival rate of AD mice (Veh: n = 14, Met: n = 12; p = 0.052; log-rank test) during the behavioral assessment. C The number of trials of 5-month-old AD mice (Veh: n = 13, Met: n = 12; p = 0.988; t test) in the FR schedule. D The breakpoint of 6-month-old AD (Veh: n = 13, Met: n = 12; p = 0.346; RM ANOVA) in the PR schedule. E Accuracy (p = 0.838), (F) omission (p = 0.514), and the number of (G) premature responses (p = 0.732) and perseverative responses to (H) correct stimuli (p = 0.488) and (I) incorrect stimuli (p = 0.090; mixed effects model) of 9-month-old AD mice (Veh: n = 13, Met: n = 12) by SD in the 5-CSRT task. J Accuracy (Main effect of group, p = 0.054; main effect of block, p < 0.001; group by block interaction, p = 0.017; simple effect of group in block 6, p = 0.021; simple effect of group in block 7, p = 0.019; simple effect of group in block 9, p = 0.043) and (K) the number of correction trials (Main effect of group, p = 0.104; main effect of block, p < 0.001; group by block interaction, p < 0.001; simple effect of group in block 5, p = 0.040; simple effect of group in block 6, p = 0.029; simple effect of group in block 7, p = 0.020; simple effect of group in block 9, p = 0.036; mixed effects model) of 13-month-old AD mice (Veh: n = 6, Met: n = 10) in the dPAL task. The block consisted of approximately 300 trials (288–324) as the number of trials per session gradually increased. L Accuracy of 13-month-old AD mice (Veh, n = 6; Met, n = 10; dPAL, p = 0.053; sPAL, p = 0.011; t test) in the sPAL task. M Accuracy of 14-month-old AD mice (Veh, n = 6; Met, n = 10; p < 0.001; mixed effects model) in the retention sessions of sPAL task. The number of (N) trials (p = 0.480) and (O) correction trials (p = 0.379; t test) to accomplish the criterion of 14-month-old AD mice (Veh: n = 9, Met: n = 9) in the VD task. P The number of trials to accomplish the criterion of 14-month-old AD mice (Veh: n = 7, Met: n = 6; p = 0.256; t test) in the reversal task. Q Accuracy of 16-month-old AD mice (Veh: n = 7, Met: n = 6; p = 0.499; mixed effects model) in the reversal retention session. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 versus Veh. AD, 3xTg-AD mice, FR fixed ratio, PR progressive ratio, 5-CSRT 5-choice serial reaction time, PAL paired associates learning, VD visual discrimination, Veh Vehicle, Met Metformin, SD stimulus duration, BL baseline.