Figure 1.
Design of sticky‐ended synthetic collagen self‐assemblies. A) Molecular structure of the collagen triple helix and depictions of axial salt bridges therein. A [(POG)n]3 triple helix model with a Lys···Asp salt bridge between each strand pair was built with PyMOL v1.8 based on coordinates from PDB entry 3u29, the X‐ray crystal structure of [(POG)3‐PKG‐DOG‐(POG)3]3 (top).[ 14c ] Identities of residues on the gray strand are marked next to their corresponding Cα atoms. Two alternative representations of this model highlight salt‐bridging residues with interconnected blue and red circles, whereas Pro/Hyp and Gly residues on a CMP are depicted simply as bars and dots, respectively, on a line (bottom). Top, middle, and bottom strands on the representations correspond to cyan, brown, and gray strands in the molecular model, respectively. B) A tri‐block CMP and its circular permutants produce the same pattern when assembled symmetrically. *Although a trimer is shown, features of the initiation complex are not clear. C) CMP designs for sticky‐ended symmetric self‐assembly discussed (14/4sb) or tested (11/3sb and 8/2sb) in this study, where, n T, the number of XYG blocks, is 3v − 1.