Table 1.
taxonomic group | txid | # of sequences1 |
Metazoa | 33208 | 862,420 |
Fungi | 4751 | 184,282 |
Viridiplantae (plants and green algae) | 33090 | 293,156 |
Non-green algae2 | 21,889 | |
Other Eukaryotes3 | 49,732 | |
Eubacteria (without Cyanobacteria) | 2 | 1,386,089 |
Cyanobacteria | 1117 | 94,920 |
Archaea | 2157 | 122,394 |
Viruses | 10239 | 331,246 |
Total | 3,346,128 |
1Genbank amino acid sequences as of 2004–04–07, NCBI taxon ids are shown under "txid", all taxonomic crown groups with at least 100 sequence members were used; 2Cercozoa [136419], Cryptophyta [3027], Euglenozoa [33682], Glaucocystophyceae [38254], Haptophyceae [2830], Rhodophyta [2763], Stramenopiles [33634]; 3Acanthamoebidae [33677], Alveolata [33630], Diplomonadida [207245], Entamoebidae [33084], Heterolobosea [5752], Jakobidae [143015], Mycetozoa [142796], Parabasalidea [5719]