Figure 2.
Transfection and episomal expression of ap65 in T. foetus. (A) Agarose gel stained with EtBr shows results of a PCR reaction to amplify the 795-bp neo gene from transfected T. foetus total genomic DNA. The neo gene PCR product is detected only in T. foetus transfected with pBS-ap65-neo (lane 3) and pBS-neo (lane 4), but not the wild type T. foetus (Tf; lane 2) and control T. vaginalis (Tv; lane 1). (B) Agarose gel stained with EtBr shows RT-PCR products for the ap65 transcript in wt T. foetus (lane 1), T. vaginalis (lane 2), T. foetus transfected with pBS-ap65-neo (lane 3), and T. foetus transfected with the pBS-neo plasmid as a negative control. RT-PCR was performed using primers to amplify a 580-bp region of the ap65 gene and a 650-bp region of the a-tubulin gene used as an internal control.