Table 6.
Pharmacokinetic parameters of compound 11c
Tissue | Cmax (ng equiv./g) | Tmax (h) | T1/2 (h) | AUC0-t (ng equiv./g) | AUCinf (ng equiv./g) | Tissue: plasma** |
Plasma | 225 | 0.5 | NC | 783 | NC | 1.00 |
Whole Blood | 158 | 0.5 | NC | 589 | NC | 0.75 |
Adrenal gland | 1510 | 6 | NC | 7210 | NC | 9.21 |
Brain | BQL | NC | NC | NR | NC | NA |
Heart | 369 | 6 | NC | 1800 | NC | 2.30 |
Kidney | 1840 | 6 | NC | 7860 | NC | 10.0 |
Large Intestine | 9800 | 6 | NC | 127000 | NC | 162 |
Liver | 2920 | 6 | NC | 15400 | NC | 19.7 |
Lung | 941 | 6 | NC | 4290 | NC | 5.48 |
Pancreas | 4330 | 6 | NC | 15400 | NC | 19.7 |
Small Intestine | 45000 | 0.25 | NC | 16600 | NC | 21.2 |
Spleen | 2290 | 6 | NC | 9520 | NC | 12.2 |
Stomach | 3240 | 0.25 | NC | 5130 | NC | 6.55 |
Equivalents in Plasma and Tissue of Male Sprague Dawley Rats following an Oral Dose of [14C]-11c at 5 mg/kg. (NC= Not calculated due to insufficient terminal elimination phase, NA Not applicable, NR Not reportable due to <3 consecutive quantifiable concentrations, BQL Below the lower limit of quantitation 148 ng equiv./g, **Tissue: plasma ratio based on AUC0-t).