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. 2024 Jan 8;14:1233925. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1233925

Table 2.

Studies on international and intercultural education employing Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory reviewed in this study.

References Phenomena under study Bron. cite* Naming of the theory Research method
Bhowmik et al. (2018) Acculturative stress and coping strategies among mainland Chinese university students in Hong Kong 2006 Socioecological model Focused group interviews
Chkaif et al. (2022) African students' mobility to China 1979 Ecological systems theory Survey and interview
Conceição et al. (2021) Brazilian Students Studying in the United States 1994 Ecological systems theory Open-ended, self-reflective online questionnaire
Elliot and Kobayashi (2019) Supervisors' interactions with international students 2005 Bio-ecological theory of human development Interview
Elliot et al. (2016a) International PhD students' academic acculturation 2005 Bio-ecological theory of human development, Bio-ecological systems theory Visual metaphor approach
Elliot et al. (2016b) International students' academic acculturation 2005 Bio-ecological theory of human development, Bio-ecological systems theory of human development, Ecological systems theory Interpretative phenomenological approach
Emery et al. (2020) Parent perspectives on schooling experiences of internationally adopted youth with disabilities 2006 Bioecological systems model Qualitative analysis; questionnaire consisting of open-ended items
Jessup-Anger and Aragones (2013) Students' peer interactions during a short-term study abroad 1993 Ecological systems theory Constructivist approach; qualitative case study design; observation, interviews, and document review
Li and Que (2016) Integration and career challenges of newcomer youth in Canada 1979 Ecological systems theory Qualitative case study design; one-on-one interviews
Liu et al. (2022) Academic career development of Chinese returnees with overseas PhD Degrees 2006 Bioecological model of human development Semi structured interviews; a narrative approach
Marangell (2023) Students' experiences of an internationalized university 2005 Ecological model of human development Case study design; mixed-methods approach; questionnaire; interviews
McBrien (2011) Refugee mothers' involvement in their children's schools 1979 Ecological systems model/theory Focus group interviews
Merchant et al. (2020) School administrators' responses to refugee students in their rural communities 1979 Ecological systems theory Individual and focus group interviews; document analysis
Ngo et al. (2022a) Professional development experiences of Vietnamese tertiary English as a foreign language lecturers 1979 Ecological systems theory Semi-structured interviews; document analysis; a phenomenological approach
Ngo et al. (2022b) Contextual influences on the professional development experiences of Vietnamese tertiary English as a foreign language lecturers 1979 Ecological systems theory Semi-structured interviews; document analysis; a phenomenological approach
Porter and Porter (2020) Japanese students' decisions to study abroad 1986 Ecological systems theory In-depth interviews
Rokita-Jaśkow et al. (2023) School socialization of bi/multilinguals in the eyes of English as a foreign language teachers 1979 Ecological perspective Semi-structured interviews analyzed using a content analysis method
Suárez-Orozco et al. (2010) Variations in academic trajectories amongst immigrant youth 1977 Ecological systems framework Longitudinal study; interviews involving different question formats (open-ended, fill-in-the-blank; Likert scales, etc.); laten class growth curve analysis and multinomial logistic regressions
Taylor and Ali (2017) Factors that influence meaningful learning and assimilation 1993** Ecological theory of human development Timeline interviews analyzed thematically
Tong et al. (2022) An Australian-Chinese student's study abroad experience in Hong Kong 1994 Ecological systems theory Interviews and reflective journals; narrative analysis
Trevor-Roper (2021) International academic affiliations 1979 Ecological systems theory Interview-based study
Vardanyan et al. (2018) A Syrian immigrant child's language acquisition and culture adaptation in the United States 1994 Bio-ecological theory of child development; ecological theory/model Ethnography and case study approaches; semi-structured interviews; observations; field notes
Winer et al. (2021) Acculturation experience of children of international migrants 1979 Ecological systems theory Phenomenological approach; implication analysis of children's artwork; observation
Xu and Tran (2022) Chinese international doctoral students' navigation of a disrupted study trajectory during Covid-19 2006 Bioecological systems theory One-on-one semi-structured interview
Xu et al. (2021) Negative and positive forces that influence students' developmental trajectories during their doctoral education 2006 Bioecological systems theory Volunteer-employed photography
Zhang (2018) Academic advising with international students 1992 Ecological model A phenomenological research design; interview

*Most recent Bronfenbrenner work cited by the author(s). **Although there is a citation of Bronfenbrenner's work in 2009, the original publication dates back to 1979, so the most recent work cited is Bronfenbrenner's publication in 1993.