Figure 2.
Groupwise comparison between HBEC cell lines and EGFR mutant NSCLC cell lines. (A) Schematic showing comparison performed during statistical analysis and volcano plot of log2fold change (LFC) differentially expressed proteins identified from MS/MS analysis. The top 20 significantly over- and under-expressed proteins (p adj< 0.05 and absolute LFC > 0.6) are colored in red or blue, respectively, and labeled. (B) Heatmap of differentially expressed proteins identified from group-wise comparison in A., with hierarchical clustering (n=91) (cell line and protein, hierarchical clustering; cell line clustering distance, complete; protein clustering distance, average). (C) Bar plots showing the top 20 GO enrichment terms sorted by adjusted p-value (p adj< 0.05, Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment) for biological processes, molecular functions, and cellular components for differentially expressed proteins found during MS/MS analysis.