The mediating effect model of uncorrected distance visual acuity in physical exercise and static balance. The first step of the independent variable is physical exercise for additional visual tasks (X), the dependent variable is static balance (eyes open) (Y), and the regression analysis between the two variables is performed, which results in a standardized regression coefficient A1=0.411, p<0.05, R2 change=0.159; the second step of the independent variable is physical exercise for additional visual tasks (X), and the dependent variable is UDVA (M), and the two variables are subjected to a regression analysis resulted in a standardized regression coefficient A2 = 0.432, p< 0.05, R2 change = 0.177; the third step of the independent variable was physical exercise with additional visual tasks (X) and UDVA (M), and the dependent variable was static equilibrium (with eyes open) (Y), and a regression analysis was performed between the two variables, which resulted in a standardized regression coefficient A3 = 0.287, p < 0.05, R2 change = 0.218. The 95% confidence interval for the mediating effect of UDVA was (−71.825, −1.958), with zeros excluded from the upper and lower intervals, reflecting the existence of a mediating effect of UDVA in the influence of physical exercise on static equilibrium (eyes open). The ratio of the mediating effect of UDVA to the total effect was (0.432) × (0.287)/(0.411) × 100% = 30.17%.