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. 2023 Dec 30;12:65–81. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2023.12.009
Agricultural soils from the North of France Clay Fine silt Coarse silt Fine sand Coarse sand Organic Carbon Total Nitrogen CaCO3 pH water
Origin site Nature g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg
Liévin Loess silt 205 255 457 74 9 22.31 1.53 1 6.6
Airon-Saint-Vaast Reconstituted sands
on glaze
111 109 200 341 239 11.71 1.17 16 8
Dompierre-sur-Helpe Silty alluvium 380 321 268 22 9 37.9 4.03 < 1 5.5
Steenwerck Alluvions from Lys plain 312 260 293 102 33 12.49 1.36 < 1 7.5
Marcq-en-Ostrevent Loess 194 236 446 112 12 12.4 1.22 3 7.9