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. 2005 Apr 15;19(8):897–902. doi: 10.1101/gad.336305

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Mdka overexpression enlarges the MFP at the expense of the notochord. Lateral views (a,c) and transverse sections (b, posterior trunk) of noninjected 14s control embryos. (d-f) In embryos injected with 50 pg mdka RNA, the MFP is enlarged (expanded shh in MFP, n = 165/191, 86%; f-spondin, in n = 36/46, 76%; col2a1, n = 134/145, 92% [data not shown]) and the notochord is reduced (reduced shh in the notochord in n = 20/38, 53%; col2a1 in n = 27/88, 31%; and ntl in n = 11/45, 24%). (g-i) Severely affected embryo with complete block of notochord formation in the posterior trunk (lacking shh expression in n = 16/38, 42%; col2a1 in n = 41/88, 46%, and ntl in n = 30/45, 67%). White lines in a, d, and g indicate border between the notochord and MFP. Sections in b, e, and h are at similar positions in the posterior trunk. (j) Endogenous mdka transcription in the paraxial mesoderm extends up to the tailbud. (k) mdka overexpression resulted in a significant decrease of notochord width: n = 10; (★★) p < 0.01 versus control for anterior trunk; (★★★) p < 0.001 versus control for posterior trunk; Mann-Whitney U-test (see Supplementary Fig. S3). (l-o) Transverse sections of 18s embryos showing enlarged MFP (expanded col2a1 in n = 37/44, 84% [o]), but normal expression of nkx2.2b in the lateral floor plate (n = 27/29, 93% [n]) and olig2 in motoneuron domain (n = 43/44, 98% [o]; n = 10, p = 0.796; see Supplementary Fig. S1) in mdka-injected embryos. Anterior is left in lateral views. Bars: j, 20 μm; o, 10 μm. (lfp) Lateral floor plate, (mfp) medial floor plate, (no) notochord, (pmn) motoneuron progenitor domain.