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. 2024 Jan 11;9(1):20. doi: 10.3390/jfmk9010020

Table 4.

Effects of SMR on athletes’ strength.

Study n Measurement Results
Group M SD p
Kurt, 2023 [54] 23 CMJ height (cm) SS 22.3 3 p < 0.05 *
DS 25 3.7
SMR 23.8 0
CMJ reactive index SS 0.528 2.275 p > 0.05
DS 0.50 0.27
SMR 0.57 0.33
Stiffness (kN/m) SS 6.92 6.4 p > 0.05
DS 6.50 6.81
SMR 7.07 7.1
Isokinetic peak torque—right knee extensor at 60° (Nm) SS 132.4 28.9 p = 0.038 *
DS 140.4 25.6
SMR 138 24.6
Isokinetic peak torque—left knee extensor at 60° (Nm) SS 125 24 p = 0.086
DS 130.7 21.9
SMR 131.9 22.7
Isokinetic peak torque—right knee flexor at 60° (Nm) SS 90 15.5 p = 0.006 *
DS 94.9 18.5
SMR 94.7 17.1
Isokinetic peak torque—left knee flexor at 60° (Nm) SS 88.3 13.5 p = 0.603
DS 89.7 12.9
SMR 91 15
Barrenetxea-García, 2023 [55] 30 In-water boost (jump, cm) CG 116.04 6.82 p > 0.05
FR 114.51 6.96
Throwing speed test (m.s−1) CG 56.97 7 p > 0.05
FR 58.08 7.88
Chen, 2023 [56] 10 Hamstring stiffness (Nm−1) GW 292.89 24.28 p = 0.01 *
DS + VFR 253.33 36.2
Quadricep stiffness (Nm−1) GW 254 23.78 p > 0.05
DS + VFR 257.09 12.5
Hamstring isokinetic strength at 60° (Nm) GW 51.52 8.89 p > 0.05
DS + VFR 51.39 12.28
Quadricep isokinetic strength at 60° (Nm) GW 107.47 14.29 p > 0.05
DS + VFR 100.16 21.76
Wang, 2022 [59] 27 CMJ (cm) VFR 53.18 4.49 p = 0.03 *
Percussion devices 50.08 3.97
CG 47.92 3.82
Drop jump (reactive strength index) VFR 2.01 0.11 p = 0.012 *
Percussion devices 1.99 0.11
CG 1.86 0.05
Kozlenia, 2022 [57] 30 SJ (Jump height, relative force and power) A vs. B No SI-SMR vs. SI-SMR
Diff.= 0.5–1.70 (A) vs. 0.11–0.16 (B) (depending on the variable)
p > 0.05
CMJ (Jump height, relative force and power) A vs. B Diff. = 0.23–0.89 (A) vs. −0.18–0.41 (B) (depending on the variable) p > 0.05
CMJ Height (Eccentric utilisation ratio) A vs. B Diff.= 0.01 (A) vs. 0.03 (B) p > 0.05
DJ (Jump height, relative force and power, reactive strength index and stiffness) A vs. B Diff.= −0.03–3.31 (A) vs. −1.71–0.46 (B) (depending on the variable) p > 0.05
Chen, 2021 [60] 15 CMJ (cm) GW 34.6 4.1 p = 0.61
GW + VFR 35.1 4.7
Lopez Samanes, 2021 [61] 11 CMJ (cm) DS pre 34.78 5.13 p > 0.05
DS post 35.59 5.19
SMR pre 34.24 6.77
SMR post 34.42 7.07
Rahimi, 2020 [62] 17 Sergeant jump (cm) Passive pre 44.9 7 p > 0.05
Passive post 43.8 6.7
FR pre 45.4 3
FR post 44.5 4.5
Romero-Franco, 2019 [64] 30 CMJ (cm) CG +1.9 Intra p < 0.05 * Inter p > 0.05
FR +4 Intra p < 0.05 *
Aune, 2018 [66] 23 Drop jump—Reactive strength index Significant chronic increase through the intervention
(whole group, FR + eccentric)
Inter p = 0.932
Plantar flexion torque (Nm) Slightly better acute response for eccentric group, but no significant p = 0.402
Richman, 2019 [69] 14 Drop jump (cm) Light walk + DS 42.45 6.35 p = 0.351
FR + DS 43.18 7.01
Squat jump (cm) Light walk + DS 36.01 8.16 p = 0.022 *
FR + DS 37.73 7.75
CMJ (cm) Light walk + DS 40.91 7.66 p = 0.021 *
FR + DS 43.54 7.26
Stroiney, 2018 [68] 49 Sergeant jump—Men (cm) SMR pre 59.41 6.48 p inter-group < 0.05 *
SMR post 61.95 9.68
Assisted soft tissue mobilisation, pre 59.15 13.36
Assisted soft tissue mobilisation, post 60.22 11.07
Sergeant jump—Women (cm) SMR pre 45.11 4.78
SMR post 46.3 6.68
Assisted soft tissue mobilisation, pre 47.55 7.26
Assisted soft tissue mobilisation, post 43.26 8.1
Giovanelli, 2018 [67] 13 Maximal power—Lower limbs (W/kg) CG 62.1 11.1 p = 0.251
FR 58.9 15.7
CMJ/RFD (N) FR pre 1819 362 p = 0.024 *
FR post 1972 461
Rey, 2017 [73] 18 CMJ (cm) CG pre 32.33 5.43 p > 0.05
CG post 30.36 4.53
FR pre 31.32 4.28
FR post 30.26 3.34
Sağiroğlu, 2017 [70] 16 CMJ (cm) peak loss during recovery (time) Aerobic running −1.69 (min 30:00) p inter-group > 0.05
Aerobic running + SS −2.62 (min 30:00)
Aerobic running + SMR −2.19 (min 30:30)
Behara, 2017 [74] 14 Vertical jump—Power peak (Watts) Baseline 4282.91 487.81 p = 0.45
FR 4372.46 474.57
DS 4318.73 418.52
Vertical jump—Velocity peak (m.s−1) Baseline 3.18 0.32 p = 0.25
FR 3.27 0.28
DS 3.22 0.27
Leg extension isometric force (Nm) Baseline 221.63 40.15 p = 0.63
FR 214.01 49.85
DS 208.44 60.25
Leg flexion isometric force (Nm) Baseline 134 25.06 p = 0.63
FR 125.13 17.53
DS 126.11 21.83
Peacock, 2014 [78] 11 Vertical jump (cm) DYN 67.66 9.79 p = 0.012 *
SMR + DYN 72.97 10.6
Horizontal jump (cm) DYN 228.6 25.25 p = 0.007 *
SMR + DYN 237.84 25.45
Indirect 1RM bench press (kg) DYN 99.92 19.56 p = 0.024 *
SMR + DYN 103.68 20.47

CG = control group; cm = centimetres; CMJ = counter-movement jump; Diff. = differences; DJ = drop jump; DS = dynamic stretching; DYN = dynamic warm-up; FR = foam roller; GW = general warm-up; kg = kilograms; m = metres; M = mean; Nm = Newtons · metre; p ≤ 0.05 or * = significant; post = post-intervention; pre = pre-intervention; RFD = rate of force development; s = seconds; SD = standard deviation; SI-SMR = short and intensive self-myofascial eelease; SJ = squat jump; SS = static stretching; VFR = vibration foam roller; W = Watts.