Fig. 3. Inhibition of ac4C modification promotes MDSC infiltration in the TME of HCC.
a Schematic diagram of scRNA-seq experiments in the Hepa1–6 orthotopic transplantation model with TA immunotherapy combined with REM. b t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) plot of 10× genomics-based single cells showing 11 major cell types by manual annotation. c Bubble heatmap showing the expression levels of selected marker genes for each cell type. d t-SNE plot showing the origins of cells in the P (Control group), T (TA group), or TR (TA+REM group) groups. e Boxplot showing the proportion of major cell types from the samples with different treatments. f t-SNE plot showing the cells from the 1- or 2-week groups. g Boxplot showing the proportion of major cell types from the 1- or 2-week samples. B cell B lymphocyte, DC dendritic cell, NK cell natural killer cell, T cell T lymphocyte. *p < 0.05.